Wednesday 2 August 2017

Forex Acordo De Cliente

Contrato de cliente 1. Assunto do contrato 1.1. Este Contrato de Cliente é celebrado pela Octa Markets Incorporated (doravante denominada Empresa) e pelo Cliente que apresentou um formulário de registro na octafx (doravante denominado Cliente). 1,2. A Companhia é registrada e regulada e regida pela Lei de São Vicente e Granadinas. Qualquer reivindicação legal será assunto das audiências do tribunal. O endereço legal da empresa é Cedar Hill Crest, Villa, Kingstown, St. Vincent e Grenadines 1.3. O Contrato estabelece a relação entre o Cliente e a Companhia, incluindo, entre outros: execução de ordens, políticas de clientes, pagamentos e pagamentos, resolução de sinistros, prevenção de fraudes, comunicação e outros aspectos. 1.4. Qualquer possível argumento entre o Cliente e a Empresa será resolvido em conformidade com o Contrato, salvo indicação em contrário. 1.5. Ao entrar no Contrato, o Cliente garante que heshe é uma pessoa com idade legal. Caso o Cliente seja uma entidade legal, garante que a entidade seja capaz e que nenhuma outra parte seja elegível para realizar quaisquer ações, reivindicações, demandas, pedidos, etc. em relação à conta de negociação dos Clientes. 1.6. Todas as operações em e com a conta de negociação do Cliente são realizadas de acordo com este Contrato, salvo indicação em contrário 1.7. O Cliente não tem o direito de contornar total ou parcialmente suas obrigações pelo Contrato com base em que é um contrato à distância. 2. Definição dos termos 2.1. Os dados de acesso denota todos os logins de acesso e senhas relacionadas à conta (s) de negociação de clientes, área pessoal ou a qualquer outro dado que fornece acesso a qualquer outro serviço da Companys. 2.2. Pergunte denota o preço mais alto na Cotação no qual o Cliente pode abrir uma ordem Comprar. 2.3. Autotrading Software - denota um Expert Advisor ou um cBot, ou seja, um software que executa operações de negociação automaticamente ou semi-automaticamente sem interferência (ou com uma interferência parcial ou ocasional) de um ser humano. 2.4. O saldo indica o total de todas as ordens fechadas (incluindo depósitos e retiradas) na conta de negociação dos Clientes em um determinado momento. 2.5. Moeda Base denota a primeira moeda no Par de Moedas. 2.6. A oferta denota o preço mais baixo na Cotação no qual o Cliente pode abrir uma Ordem de Venda. 2.7. Dia útil significa qualquer dia entre segunda e sexta-feira, inclusive, exceto quaisquer feriados oficiais ou não oficiais anunciados pela Companhia 2.8. O Terminal do Cliente indica o MetaTrader 4, o Metatrader 5, o cTrader ou qualquer outro software em todas as suas versões, que é utilizado pelo Cliente para obter informações sobre os mercados financeiros em tempo real, realizar diferentes tipos de análise e pesquisa de mercado, executar o fechamento de alterações, ordenar pedidos, receber Notificações da Companhia. 2.9. A Página de notícias da empresa indica a seção do site da Companys onde as notícias são publicadas. 2.10. Moeda da Conta de Negociação denota a moeda que a Conta de Negociação é denominada em todos os cálculos de contas e as operações são realizadas nesta moeda. 2.11. O Par de Moedas denota o objeto de uma transação com base na alteração no valor de uma moeda contra a outra. 2.12. A Informação do Cliente denota qualquer informação que a Empresa recebe do Cliente (ou de outras formas) relacionadas a ela, sua conta comercial, etc. 2.13. Disputa denota: 2.13.1. Qualquer argumento entre o Cliente e a Companhia, onde o Cliente tem razões para assumir que a Companhia como resultado de qualquer ação ou falha em agir violou um ou mais termos do Contrato ou 2.13.2. Qualquer argumento entre o Cliente e a Companhia, onde a Companhia tem motivos para assumir que o Cliente como resultado de qualquer ação ou falha no ato violou um ou mais termos do Contrato 2.14. Energia Energia denota indicação Texas do oeste Petróleo intermediário intermediário Brent Crude Oil 2.15. Flutuante, o Lucro representa o lucro atual nas Posições Abertas calculadas ao preço atual. 2.16. Evento de Força Maior indica qualquer dos seguintes eventos: 2.16.1. Qualquer ato, evento ou ocorrência (incluindo, sem limitação, qualquer greve, motim ou agitação civil, terrorismo, guerra, ato de Deus, acidente, incêndio, inundação, tempestade, equipamentos eletrônicos, equipamentos de comunicação ou falha de fornecedores, interrupção da fonte de energia, civil Instabilidade, disposições legais, lock-outs) que, na opinião razoável da Companhia, impede a Companhia de manter um mercado ordenado em um ou mais dos Instrumentos 2.16.2. A suspensão, liquidação ou encerramento de qualquer mercado ou o abandono ou falha de qualquer evento ao qual a Companhia relaciona suas Cotações, ou a imposição de limites ou condições especiais ou incomuns sobre a negociação em qualquer desses mercados ou em qualquer evento desse tipo. 2.17. Margem grátis indica fundos na conta Clientes, que podem ser usados ​​para abrir uma posição. Margem livre é calculada da seguinte maneira: Patrimônio de Margem Livre - Margem Requerida. 2.18. O índice CFD indica um contrato de diferença por referência às flutuações no preço do índice de ações subjacente. 2.19. A Cotação Indica indica um preço ou uma cotação em que a Companhia tem o direito de não aceitar ou executar nenhuma Ordem ou realizar modificações nas ordens. 2.20. Margem inicial indica a margem necessária para abrir uma posição. Pode ser visualizado na Calculadora de Traders. 2.21. Instrução denota uma instrução do Cliente para abrir fechar uma posição ou para colocaremodifyretar uma Ordem. 2.22. O instrumento indica qualquer parceria em moeda, metal, energia ou índice CFD. Pode também ser referido como Instrumento de Negociação ou Ferramenta de Negociação 2.23. A alavancagem denota o crédito virtual concedido ao Cliente pela Empresa. Por exemplo. Alavancagem de 1: 500 significa que a Margem Inicial para o Cliente será 500 vezes menor que o Tamanho da Transação. 2.24. A Posição Longa indica uma ordem de compra, ou seja, comprando a Moeda Base com a Moeda Moeda. 2.25. O lote indica 100000 unidades da Moeda Base, 1000 Barris de Petróleo bruto ou qualquer outro número de contratos ou troy oz. Descrito nas Especificações do Contrato. 2.26. Tamanho do lote indica o número de unidades da Moeda Base ou oz troy. De metal definido nas especificações do contrato. 2.27. Margem denota o montante de fundos necessários para manter as Posições Abertas, conforme determinado nas Especificações do Contrato para cada Instrumento. 2.28. O Nível de Margem indica a proporção de Patrimônio Líquido para Margem Requerida. É calculado da seguinte maneira: Nível de Margem (Equivalência Patrimonial Obrigatória) 100. 2.29. A Margem de Negociação denota Negociação de Alavancagem quando o Cliente pode fazer Transações com muito menos recursos na Conta de Negociação em comparação com o Tamanho da Transação. 2.30. Posição aberta indica uma posição longa ou uma posição curta que ainda não está fechada. 2.31. O pedido indica uma instrução do Cliente para a Empresa para abrir ou fechar uma posição quando o preço atingir o Nível de Pedido. 2.32. O nível do pedido indica o preço indicado na ordem. 2.33. Metal precioso denota ouro ou mancha pontual. 2.34. O intervalo de preços indica o seguinte: 2.34.1. O preço da oferta atual é maior do que Solicitar a Cotação anterior ou 2.34.2. O preço do preço atual é menor do que a Licitação da Citação anterior. 2.35. A cotação indica a informação do preço atual de um Instrumento específico, na forma dos preços de lances e pedidos. 2.36. Citação Moeda indica a segunda moeda no Par de Moedas que pode ser comprada ou vendida pelo Cliente para a Moeda Base. 2.37. A taxa denota o seguinte: 2.37.1. Para o Par de Moedas: o valor da Moeda Base nos termos da Moeda de Cotação ou 2.37.2. Para o metal precioso: o preço de uma onça troy. Valor do metal precioso contra o dólar dos EUA ou qualquer outra moeda (se disponível) para este instrumento ou 2.37.3. Para a Energia: o preço de um barril no valor da Energia em relação ao Dólar Americano ou a qualquer outra moeda (se disponível) para este instrumento ou 2.37.4. Para o Índice CFD: o preço de um contrato contra a moeda do país correspondente. 2.38. Margem requerida indica a margem exigida pela Companhia para manter as Posições Abertas. 2.39. A Divulgação de Riscos indica o documento de Divulgação de Risco. 2.40. A Conta Segregada indica uma conta bancária onde os fundos Clientes são mantidos separadamente dos fundos da Companhia, conforme exigem os regulamentos. 2.41. Os Serviços denotam os serviços prestados pela Companhia ao Cliente. 2.42. A Posição Curta denota uma posição de venda, ou seja, a venda da Moeda Base com a moeda da Cotação. 2.43. Spread denota a diferença entre os preços Ask e Bid. 2.44. A Conta de Negociação denota a conta pessoal dos Clientes na Companhia na qual o Cliente pode realizar ordens, transações, depósitos, retiradas, etc. 2.45. A Plataforma de Negociação denota todo o software e o ambiente de hardware da Companys, que fornece Cotações em tempo real, permite que as Ordens que colocam a atualização de documentos sejam executadas. A plataforma Treading também calcula todas as obrigações mútuas entre o Cliente e a Companhia. 2.46. O Tamanho da Transação indica o Tamanho do Lote multiplicado pelo número de Lotes. 2.47. Website indica o site da Companys na octafx. 3. Serviços 3.1. Sujeito ao Contrato, a Companhia oferecerá os seguintes Serviços ao Cliente: 3.1.1. Receba e transmita ordens de negociação ou execute ordens comerciais para o Cliente usando os Instrumentos de Negociação fornecidos. 3.2. Os serviços da Companys incluem pacotes de software MetaTrader 4, MetaTrader 5 e cTrader, meios de análise técnica e serviços de terceiros oferecidos juntamente com os serviços da Companys 3.3. Sujeito ao Contrato, a Companhia poderá entrar em Transações com o Cliente usando os Instrumentos de Negociação especificados no site da Companys na octafx. 3.4. A Companhia deve realizar todas as Transações com o Cliente apenas em execução. A Companhia tem o direito de executar Transações, apesar de uma Transação não ser adequada para o Cliente. A Companhia não tem nenhuma obrigação, salvo acordo em contrário, para monitorar ou aconselhar o Cliente sobre o status de qualquer Transação para fazer chamadas de margem ou para fechar as Posições Abertas de Clientes. 3.5. O Cliente não poderá pedir à Companhia que ofereça conselhos de investimento ou que faça declarações de opinião para encorajar o Cliente a realizar qualquer Transação particular. 3.6. A Companhia não deve fornecer a entrega física do Ativo Subjacente de um Instrumento em relação a qualquer Transação. O lucro ou perda na Moeda da Conta de Negociação é creditado debitado da Conta de Negociação uma vez que a Transação está encerrada. 3.7. A Companhia não fornecerá recomendações ou conselhos pessoais sobre transações específicas. 3.8. A Companhia pode, de tempos em tempos e a seu critério, fornecer informações e recomendações em boletins informativos que pode publicar em seu site ou fornecer aos assinantes através de seu site ou de outra forma. Onde isso acontece: 3.8.1. Esta informação é fornecida exclusivamente para permitir que o Cliente tome suas próprias decisões de investimento e não possa ser considerado um conselho de investimento 3.8.2. Se o documento contiver uma restrição sobre a pessoa ou categoria de pessoas para quem esse documento se destina ou para quem é distribuído, o Cliente concorda que não o transmitirá a qualquer pessoa ou categoria de pessoas. 3.8.3. A empresa não oferece nenhuma declaração, garantia ou garantia quanto à exatidão da integridade dessas informações ou quanto às consequências fiscais de qualquer transação 3.8.4. É fornecido unicamente para ajudar o Cliente a tomar suas próprias decisões de investimento e não pode ser considerado um conselho de investimento ou promoções financeiras não solicitadas ao Cliente. 3.9. Ao fornecer ao Cliente serviços de recepção e transmissão e execução, a Companhia não é obrigada a avaliar a adequação do instrumento financeiro em que o Cliente deseja realizar a transação, nem os serviços prestados ou oferecidos a ele. 3.10. A Companhia reserva-se o direito, a seu critério, em qualquer momento de se recusar a fornecer os Serviços ao Cliente e o Cliente concorda que a Companhia não terá obrigação de informar o Cliente sobre os motivos. 3.11. A Companhia reserva-se o direito de rejeitar o Cliente, devolvendo-lhe o depósito inicial (ou seja, o valor total depositado pelo Cliente) a qualquer momento, caso a Companhia julgue apropriado e necessário (incluindo, mas não limitado a, como resultado de Clientes Fraudulentas, fraudulentas, fraudulentas, fraudulentas ou ilegítimas). 3.12. Os comentários de mercado, notícias ou outras informações são sujeitos a alterações e podem ser modificados a qualquer momento sem aviso prévio. A informação não pode, em caso algum, ser considerada como um aconselhamento comercial direto ou indireto. 3.13. Qualquer decisão comercial feita pelo cliente é sua responsabilidade exclusiva. A empresa não é responsável pelas consequências de tais decisões. 3.14. Ao aceitar este Contrato, o Cliente confirma que ele lê as regras de comunicação e concorda que a heshe só pode realizar ordens por meio do Terminal do Cliente. 3.15. O Cliente concorda que a Companhia pode modificar, adicionar, renomear ou cancelar qualquer ou o alcance dos serviços oferecidos neste Contrato, parcial ou completamente, sem notificação prévia. O Cliente também concorda que o Contrato seja aplicado aos serviços que possam ser modificados, adicionados ou renomeados no futuro, além dos serviços prestados pela Companhia no presente. 3.16. A Companhia não é responsável por (a menos que estabelecido neste Contrato) tentar executar qualquer pedido de Clientes com as cotações que não sejam as cotações oferecidas na Plataforma de Negociação 3.17. A Companhia não é, em nenhuma circunstância, agente fiscal. As Partes cumprem seus impostos e outras obrigações independentemente e por conta própria. 4. Pedidos e transações de clientes 4.1. A Companhia fornece a Execução do Mercado em todos os instrumentos de negociação. A Companhia aplica o modelo ECNSTP para a execução das ordens, ou seja, todas as posições dos Clientes são compensadas pelos provedores de liquidez interbancária. Em alguns casos, as ordens podem não ser compensadas, ou a Companhia pode decidir apenas não compensar um pedido ou um grupo de ordens. 4.2. Como resultado da natureza da Execução do Mercado, pode ocorrer um deslizamento durante a abertura do pedido. O Cliente concorda que tal possível deslizamento ocasional é uma conseqüência natural e característica da Execução do Mercado e a Empresa não é responsável por isso de nenhuma maneira. 4.3. Qualquer possível desvio do preço do openclose é um assunto da liquidez disponível. A Companhia não se responsabiliza pelas consequências de tais desvios e diferenças de preço do preço solicitado pelo Cliente. 4.4. O Cliente pode cancelar uma ordem enviada somente enquanto estiver na fila com Ordem é o status aceito. Neste caso, o Cliente deve pressionar o botão Cancelar pedido. Devido aos detalhes do cancelamento do pedido do terminal do cliente neste caso, não pode ser garantido. 4.5. A solicitação de clientes para abrir modificação ou fechar um pedido pode ser recusada nos seguintes casos: 4.5.1. Durante a abertura do mercado quando a ordem é enviada antes da primeira cotação é recebida pela Trading Platform 4.5.2. Em condições de mercado excepcionais 4.5.3. Caso o Cliente não tenha margem suficiente. Neste caso, a Plataforma de Negociação 4.5.4 mostra a quantidade de dinheiro insuficiente ou a mensagem de fundos insuficientes. Caso o Cliente use um Software Autotrading com mais de 30 solicitações por minuto, a Empresa se reserva o direito de proibir tais Expert Advisors ou cBots 4.6. O uso do mesmo endereço IP por diferentes clientes pode ser um motivo para considerar todas as ordens em todas as contas, executadas a partir deste endereço IP, como as realizadas pelo mesmo Cliente 4.7. As encomendas abertas ou fechadas por cotações fora do mercado podem ser canceladas: 4.7.1. Caso a ordem tenha sido aberta por uma cotação fora do mercado 4.7.2. Caso o pedido tenha sido fechado por uma cotação fora do mercado 4.8. É proibida a utilização de estratégias de arbitragem em mercados vinculados (por exemplo, futuros cambiais e moedas spot). Caso o Cliente use a arbitragem de forma clara ou oculta, a Empresa se reserva o direito de cancelar tais ordens. 4.9. Em casos excepcionais, as ordens de curto prazo com duração inferior a 180 segundos podem ser canceladas caso sejam consideradas abusivas. 4.10. A Companhia reserva-se o direito de cancelar os pedidos dos Clientes caso não cumpram este Contrato. 4.11. Caso o Cliente use uma conta sem permuta para executar ordens de arbitragem, a Empresa se reserva o direito de alterar o status da conta de volta para swaps regulares e de depositar em todo o período com prévia notificação por escrito. 4.12. Um pedido de compra deve ser aberto pelo preço da Ask. Uma ordem de venda deve ser aberta pelo preço do lance. 4.13. Um pedido de compra deve ser fechado pelo preço do lance. Uma ordem de venda deve ser fechada pelo preço da Ask. 4.14. A adição de adição para pedidos abertos é realizada de 23:59:00 a 00:01:00, hora do terminal. Assim, as taxas de swap (ou, pelo contrário, os pagamentos) serão aplicadas a todas as ordens abertas durante o período de 23:59:00 a 00:01:00, hora do terminal. 4.15. A Companhia reserva-se o direito de aumentar os spreads no caso de ocorrerem um ou mais dos seguintes eventos: 4.15.1. Caso as condições do mercado se tornem irregulares 4.15.2. Caso as condições de negociação para um ou mais pares de moedas sejam alteradas 4.15.3. Em caso de evento (s) de Força Maior 5. Processamento de pedidos 5.1. No momento em que o cliente para abrir a posição chega ao servidor, é realizada uma verificação automática da conta de negociação para margem livre para a ordem aberta. Caso a margem necessária esteja presente, a ordem será aberta. Se a margem não for suficiente, a ordem não será aberta. Devido à execução do mercado, um preço de abertura pode ser diferente do solicitado. A nota sobre a ordem aberta que aparece no arquivo de log do servidor declara que o pedido de clientes foi processado e a ordem foi aberta. Cada ordem aberta na plataforma de negociação recebe um ticker. 5.2. Ao abrir um pedido no mercado, o Cliente não deve enviar ordens Stop Loss e Take Profit devido à Execução do Mercado. Definir Stop Loss e Take Profit é executado modificando uma ordem aberta 6. Fechamento obrigatório da posição (Margin call and stop out) 6.1. A chamada de margem ocorre sempre que o nível da margem das contas cai abaixo de uma porcentagem designada descrita na especificação da Conta de Negociação no Site da Empresa. A Companhia tem direito, mas não é obrigada a fechar posições do Cliente neste caso. 6.2. A Companhia é obrigada a obrigatoriamente fechar as posições abertas do Cliente sem notificação prévia no caso de o nível da Margem cair abaixo da porcentagem designada descrita na especificação da Conta de Negociação no Site da Empresa. Este evento é chamado Stop Out. 6.3. O cancelamento é executado em uma cotação de mercado atual, em primeiro lugar, primeiro a servir. O cancelamento será corrigido no arquivo de log dos servidores como parar. 6.4. Caso o Cliente tenha várias posições abertas, a primeira posição a fechar será aquela com maior perda flutuante. 6.5. No caso de Stop Out, o saldo da conta se tornar negativo, isso não implica nenhum pagamento da dívida do Cliente e não pode ser considerado como tal. A Companhia compensará o saldo da conta em zero. Em casos excepcionais (se a Companhia considerar ações de Clientes como fraudulentas ou intencionais), a dívida poderá ser reclamada pela Companhia. 6.6 Os níveis de Chamada e Parada podem ser aumentados durante os lançamentos de notícias, períodos de alta volatilidade do mercado, condições de mercado anormais e outros eventos irregulares. 6.7 A lógica Smart Stop Out é aplicada às contas CTrader ECN 6.7.1 Na conta cTrader ECN no nível da margem inferior a 15, a Companhia fechará, parcial ou totalmente, se necessário, as posições. 6.7.2 cTrader Smart Stop Out lógica é totalmente descrito no Spotware Systems LTD. local na rede Internet. 7. Aproveite a modificação 7.1. A alteração de alavancagem só é permitida uma vez por 24 horas. 7.2. A Companhia reserva-se o direito de modificar as configurações de alavancagem dos clientes a qualquer momento. Sem notificação prévia. 7.3. As seguintes restrições de alavancagem são aplicadas a todos os tipos de conta: 7.3.1. Alavancagem 1: 500 é fornecido para contas com depósito máximo de até 5000 USDEUR (dependendo da moeda da conta) 7.3.2. Alavancagem 1: 200 é fornecido para contas com depósito máximo de até 30000 USDEUR (dependendo da moeda da conta) 7.3.3. Alavancagem 1: 100 é fornecido para contas com depósito máximo de até 70000 USDEUR (dependendo da moeda da conta) 7.3.4. Leverage 1:50 é fornecido para contas com depósito máximo de até 100000 USDEUR (dependendo da moeda da conta) 7.3.5. Alavancar 1:33 é fornecido para contas com depósito máximo de até 200000 USDEUR (dependendo da moeda da conta) 7.3.6. Não são aplicadas limitações para as alavancas de 1: 5 e 1: 1 7.3.7 A Companhia pode, a seu critério, alterar a alavancagem de qualquer conta em circunstâncias diferentes dos casos descritos no Contrato, caso seja considerado necessário ou apropriado. 8. Condições comerciais 8.1. As condições completas de negociação, incluindo, mas não limitado a, spreads atuais, pares de moedas, tamanhos de lotes, tamanhos de transações, swaps longos e curtos, comissões, limitações de volume e de depósito, tipos de contas, etc, estão localizados no site da Companys na octafx. A Companhia reserva-se o direito de modificar o cadastro de qualquer ou todas as condições de negociação. Tais modificações são objeto de notificação prévia. 8.2. Qualquer tipo de abuso e / ou vantagem injusta (direta ou indireta) das condições de negociação da Companhia pode ser objeto de investigação. Se os factos de tais abusos surgirem, o lucro e a perda obtidos com essa vantagem podem ser cancelados pela única decisão da Companhia. O Cliente reconhece completamente isso. 9. Pedidos pendentes 9.1. Os seguintes tipos de pedidos pendentes podem ser executados no Software de Negociação: 9.1.1. Comprar Limite de uma ordem para abrir uma posição de Compra se o preço da Ask for menor ou igual ao preço da ordem. O preço atual no momento de fazer um pedido é maior do que o preço do pedido de limite de compra 9.1.2. Comprar Pare um pedido para abrir uma posição de Compra se o preço do pedido for maior ou igual ao preço da ordem. O preço atual no momento da colocação de um pedido é menor do que o preço de compra Stop Stop 9.1.3. Vender Limite um pedido para abrir uma posição de Vender se o preço do lance for maior ou igual ao preço do pedido. O preço atual no momento da colocação de um pedido é menor do que o preço do preço de venda Limite 9.1.4. Venda Pare um pedido para abrir uma posição de venda, se o preço do lance for menor ou igual ao preço da ordem. O preço atual no momento da colocação de um pedido é maior do que o preço da ordem de venda 9.1.5. Pare a perda de uma ordem para fechar uma posição aberta a um preço determinado caso a posição gera perdas. 9.1.6. Tire lucro de uma ordem para fechar uma posição aberta a um preço determinado, caso a posição gere lucros. 10. Ordena as regras 10.1. A abertura, modificação e exclusão de pedidos só é permitida durante o horário de negociação ativo estabelecido na Especificação de Contratos. A abertura, modificação e exclusão de pedidos não são permitidas além do horário de negociação quando a negociação não é permitida. 10.2. No caso excepcional de condições de mercado irregulares, a negociação de uma determinada ferramenta pode ser proibida (total ou parcialmente, temporária ou permanentemente) até que as condições permaneçam irregulares ou até novo aviso. 10.3. Todas as ordens pendentes são executadas pelo Modelo GTC (Good Till Canceled) e não têm período de validade, ou seja, permanecem ativas até serem canceladas pelo Cliente. No entanto, o Cliente tem o direito de definir a data de expiração das ordens por ele mesmo. 10.4. Caso um ou vários parâmetros de ordem sejam inválidos ou faltam, um pedido pode ser recusado pela Plataforma de Negociação. 10.5. A Companhia, a seu exclusivo critério, especificará o preço de mercado atual. 10.6. Ordens de todos os tipos não devem ser colocadas mais perto do que um determinado número de pontos para o preço atual. A distância mínima em pontos do preço atual pode variar com aviso prévio. 10.7. Uma nota no arquivo de log do servidor sobre a abertura do pedido significa que o Cliente abriu um pedido e concorda com ele. Cada pedido recebe um número único (um ticker). 10.8. No caso de uma abertura de pedido ser solicitada antes da primeira cotação aparecer na Plataforma de Negociação, ela será rejeitada pela Plataforma de Negociação. Uma mensagem No priceTrading está proibida aparecerá no Terminal do Cliente. 10.9. Uma nota no arquivo de log do servidor sobre o encerramento ou modificação da ordem significa que o Cliente modificou ou fechou um pedido e concorda com ele. 10.10. Caso um pedido de fechamento ou modificação seja solicitado antes da primeira cotação aparecer na Plataforma de Negociação, será rejeitada pela Plataforma de Negociação. 11. Execução pendente das ordens 11.1. Uma ordem pendente é executada nos seguintes casos: 11.1.1. Comprar limite de pedido sempre que o preço do preço atual for menor ou igual ao preço da ordem 11.1.2. Compre o pedido de parada sempre que o preço do preço atual for maior ou igual ao preço da ordem 11.1.3. Ordem Limite de venda sempre que o preço atual do lance for maior ou igual ao preço da ordem 11.1.4. Ordem de parada de venda sempre que o preço do lance atual for menor ou igual ao preço da ordem 11.1.5. Pegue uma ordem de lucro para uma posição de Compra sempre que o preço atual da Oferta for igual ou superior ao preço da ordem 11.1.6. Ordem de Stop Loss para uma posição de compra sempre que o preço atual do lance for igual ou inferior ao preço da ordem 11.1.7. Pegue uma ordem de lucro para uma posição de Vender sempre que o preço atual da Ask for igual ou inferior ao preço da ordem 11.1.8. Ordem de Perda de Perda para uma posição de Vender sempre que o preço de venda atual se torna igual ou superior ao preço da ordem 11.2. As seguintes regras são aplicadas na execução de ordens durante os intervalos de preços: 11.2.1. Caso o preço da ordem pendente e o nível de Tome Lucro estejam dentro do intervalo de preços serão cancelados com um comentário (cancelledgap) 11.2.2. Caso o preço da ordem Take Profit esteja dentro da diferença de preço, a ordem será executada pelo seu preço 11.2.3. Caso o preço da ordem Stop Loss esteja dentro da diferença de preço, a ordem será executada pelo primeiro preço após a diferença de preço com um comentário (slgap) 11.2.4. Comprar Stop e Sell Stop pedidos pendentes serão executados pelo primeiro preço após o intervalo de preços com um comentário (startgap) 11.2.5. As ordens pendentes Limit e Sell limit são executadas pelo preço das ordens com um comentário (startgap) 11.3. Em certos casos, quando ocorrem pequenos intervalos de preços, as ordens podem ser executadas como de costume como indicado no parágrafo anterior. 11.4. Caso uma conta do Cliente tenha simultaneamente: 11.4.1. Nível de margem de 140 ou menos 11.4.2. 60 de volume da posição total é colocado na única ferramenta comercial e tem uma direção (vender ou comprar) 11.4.3. Esta parte da posição total foi formada no prazo de 24 horas antes do fechamento do mercado. A empresa tem o direito de definir Take Beneit para pedidos, incluídos na posição total no nível de preço de preço de mercado para a ferramenta menos um ponto (para ordens de venda ) Ou no nível do preço de lances do fechamento do mercado para a ferramenta mais um ponto (para pedidos de compra). 12. Requisitos de margem 12.1. O Cliente deve fornecer e manter a Margem Inicial e a Margem Coberta nos limites que a Companhia, a seu exclusivo critério, possa exigir, de tempos em tempos, em conformidade com o Contrato. É exclusivo dos Clientes garantir que o Cliente entenda como a margem é calculada. 12.2. O Cliente deverá pagar a Margem Inicial e a Margem Coberta no momento da abertura de um cargo. 12.3. Se nenhum Evento de Força Maior tiver ocorrido, a Companhia tem o direito de alterar os requisitos de margem, dando ao Cliente 3 (três) Prazo de Escrita com antecedência antes dessas alterações. 12.4. A Companhia tem o direito de alterar os requisitos de margem sem aviso prévio no caso do Evento de Força Maior. 12.5. A Companhia tem o direito de aplicar novos requisitos de margem emendados de acordo com os parágrafos acima mencionados para as novas posições e para as posições que já estão abertas. 12.6. A Companhia tem o direito de fechar as Posições Abertas dos Clientes sem o consentimento do Cliente ou qualquer Notificação Escrita anterior se o Patrimônio Líquido for menor do que determinada taxa dependendo do tipo de conta conforme estipulado no Site da Empresa. 12.7. É responsabilidade dos Clientes notificar a Companhia assim que o Cliente acreditar que o Cliente não poderá cumprir um pagamento de margem quando for devido. 12.8. A Companhia não é obrigada a fazer chamadas de margem para o Cliente. A Empresa não é responsável pelo Cliente por qualquer falha na Empresa para entrar em contato ou tentar entrar em contato com o Cliente. 13. Depósito e retirada 13.1. O Cliente pode depositar fundos na Conta de Negociação a qualquer momento. Todos os pagamentos à Companhia serão feitos de acordo com as Instruções de Pagamento estabelecidas no Site da Companhia. Sob nenhuma circunstância, os pagamentos anônimos ou de terceiros serão aceitos. 13.2. Caso a natureza dos meios de depósito não permita processamento de pagamento instantâneo (banco bancário, etc.), o Cliente deve criar um Pedido de Depósito na Área Pessoal. Caso não seja possível, isso levará a atrasos no depósito da conta. 13.3. É exclusivo dos Clientes criar pedidos de depósito na sua Área Pessoal e preenchê-los de forma correta e apropriada. Caso não seja possível, isso levará a atrasos no depósito da conta. 13.4. O Cliente pode retirar fundos da Conta de Negociação a qualquer momento de acordo com os procedimentos descritos no parágrafo 13.5. 13.5. Se o Cliente solicita a retirada de fundos da Conta de Negociação, a Companhia deverá pagar o valor especificado dentro de três (3) Dias Úteis após a aceitação do pedido, se as seguintes condições forem atendidas: 13.5.1. O pedido de retirada contém todas as informações necessárias 13.5.2. O pedido é efetuar a transferência de fundos para a conta bancária dos Clientes ou a conta eletrônica (em nenhuma circunstância, os pagamentos a terceiros ou contas anônimas serão aceitos) e 13.5.3. A Margem Livre de Clientes excede ou é igual ao valor especificado no pedido de retirada incluindo todas as taxas de pagamento. 13,6. A Companhia deve debitar a Conta de Negociação de Clientes para todos os encargos de pagamento (se aplicável). 13,7. No caso de a conta ter sido depositada por vários meios, a retirada deve ser realizada pelos mesmos meios proporcionalmente aos montantes depositados. 13.8. Em casos excepcionais (como circunstâncias de Força Maior, rescisão da operação do sistema de pagamento, etc.), a Companhia tem o direito de recusar a retirada de fundos dos Clientes neste sistema de pagamento. Tais casos serão considerados caso a caso. 13.9. Para fornecer segurança financeira ao Cliente, em alguns casos, a Companhia reserva-se o direito de retirar fundos de Clientes somente para sua conta bancária. 13.10. No caso de uma conta ter sido financiada através de débito ou cartão de crédito e um pedido de retirada é enviado dentro de 60 dias a partir da data do depósito, os fundos podem ser creditados de volta ao mesmo cartão. Até 100 do depósito inicial podem ser retirados ao cartão. O valor acima do depósito inicial pode ser retirado via fatura bancária. 13.11. Se uma conta foi financiada por débito ou cartão de crédito, uma cópia do cartão pode ser necessária para processar uma retirada. A cópia deve conter os 6 primeiros dígitos e os últimos 4 dígitos do número do cartão, nome do titular do cartão, data de expiração e assinatura dos titulares. 13.12. Por razões de segurança, a Empresa reserva-se o direito de exigir aos Clientes que completem os dados de identificação, tais como cópia de identificação, cópia de endereço, carta de referência bancária e outros documentos relevantes, apostilados ou certificados por um notário. Caso a demanda seja feita pela Companhia, o Cliente terá 30 dias para coletar e enviar o conjunto completo de documentos solicitados à Companhia. Caso o Cliente não envie o conjunto de documentos solicitado no prazo de 30 dias mencionado, a sua conta será bloqueada sem a possibilidade de ser reintegrada, depósito (s) reembolsado (s). Nenhum lucro será pago ou as perdas serão reembolsadas por essas contas. 13.13. Internal transfers (that is, transfers from one trading account to another within the Company) between third parties are prohibited. 13.14. If the Client has the obligation to pay any amount to the Company which exceeds the Trading Account Equity the Client shall pay the amount of excess forthwith upon the obligation arising. 13.15. All incoming payments shall be credited to the Clients Trading Account no later than one (1) Business day after funds are received by the Company. 13.16. The Client acknowledges and agrees that where an amount is due and payable to the Company in accordance with the Agreement and sufficient funds are not yet credited to the Clients Trading Account, the Company shall be entitled to treat the Client as having failed to make a payment to the Company and to exercise its rights in compliance with the Agreement. 13.17. The Client shall make any margin payments or other payments due in US dollars, Euros, and other currencies accepted by the Company. The payment amount will be converted into the Currency of the Trading Account at the current market rate. 13.18. The Company is entitled but not obliged to cover deposit and withdrawal fees applied by Skrill (Moneybookers), Neteller, FasaPay, PayOnline or any other payment processor. In cases the Company deems appropriate such fees can be charged from the client. 14. Commissions, charges and other costs 14.1. The Client shall be obliged to pay the Company the commissions, charges and other costs set out in the Agreement. The Company will display all current commissions, charges and other costs at its Website. 14.2. The Company may modify commissions, charges and other costs from time to time without prior notice. All changes in commissions, charges and other costs are displayed at the Company Website. 14.3. The Client undertakes to pay all possible stamp expenses relating to this Agreement and any documentation which may be required. 14.4. The Client shall be solely responsible for all filings, tax returns and reports on any Transactions which should be made to any relevant authority, whether governmental or otherwise, and for payment of all taxes (including but not limited to any transfer or value added taxes), arising out of or in connection with any Transaction. 14.5. The Company is not liable to disclose any reports regarding profits, commissions and other fees received by Company from Clients trading, unless stated otherwise by the Agreement. 14.6. The Company charges a fixed fee for using a MT4 Micro swap-free account: 14.6.1 The fee is calculated in the following way: Commission pip price swap value of the currency pair 14.6.2 This fee is not an interest and depends on the direction of the position (whether Buy or Sell) 14.6.3 The fee is applied to positions rolled over to the next business day. 14.6.4 The fee is tripled when an order it rolled over from Wednesday to Thursday. 14.7 The Company charges a weekend fee for keeping positions open from Friday to Monday on cTrader ECN accounts 14.7.1 The fee is charged against the account in case the free margin of the account is sufficient 14.7.2. Should free margin of the account be insufficient to deduct the weekend fee, the fee will be applied in full once the amount of free margin is equal to or exceeds the amount of weekend fee. 14.8 The company charges a three-days-fee for keeping positions open for more than three nights on MT5 Pro account 14.8.1 The three-days-fee is deducted each third rollover, that is during the third night at 00.00 (server time). 14.9 The company will charge fees for opening and closing positions on cTrader ECN account. 14.9.1 Opening fee and closing fee will be applied at the moment when the position is open and deducted from positions floating (unrealised) profit. 14.9.2 The Company will display all relevant fees and commissions on its Website. 14.10 By opening an account the Client unconditionally accepts all fees applicable to hisher account as per trading conditions described on the Company Website. 15. Communication 15.1. In order to communicate with the Client, the Company may use: 15.1.1. Client Terminal internal mail 15.1.2. Email 15.1.3. Telephone 15.1.4. Company News Webpage 15.1.5. Companys Live Chat 15.2. Company will use contact details provided by the Client whilst opening the Trading Account and the Client agrees to accept any notices or messages from the Company at any time. 15.3. Any piece of information sent to the Client (documents, notices, confirmations, statements, etc.) shall be deemed received: 15.3.1. Within one hour after emailing it, if sent by email 15.3.2. Immediately after sending it if sent by the Trading Platform internal mail 15.3.3. Once the telephone conversation has been finished, if contacted by phone 15.3.4. Within one hour after it has been posted on the Company News Webpage, if posted at the Companys Website 15.4. On the first day of each month the Company will send the Client a statement which includes all Transactions during the previous month. The Statement shall be sent by email. 15.5. Any telephone conversation between the Client and the Company may be recorded. All Instructions and Requests received by telephone will be binding as if received in writing. Any recordings shall be and remain the sole property of the Company and will be accepted by the Client as a conclusive evidence of the Instructions, Requests or other arising obligations. The Client agrees that the Company may deliver copies of transcripts of such recordings to any court, regulatory or government authority. 16. Dispute resolution 16.1. In case any conflict situation arises when the Client reasonably believes that the Company as a result of any action or failure to act breaches one or more terms of the Agreement, the Client has the right to file a complaint. 16.2. To file any complaint, the Client should email it to supportoctafx. 16.3. A complaint MUST contain: 16.3.1. First and Last name of the Client (or company name if the Client is a legal entity) 16.3.2. Clients login details in the Trading Platform (i. e. Account number) 16.3.3. Details of when the conflict first arose (date and time in the Trading Platform time) 16.3.4. Ticker of the order in question 16.3.5. Description of the conflict situation supported by the reference to the Agreement 16.4. The complaint MUST NOT contain: 16.4.1. Affective appraisal of the conflict situation 16.4.2. Offensive language 16.4.3. Uncontrolled vocabulary 16.5. The Company has the right to reject a complaint in case any of the above mentioned provisions are breached. 16.6. The Claim resolution term is set as 10 (ten) working days since the claim has been submitted. In occasional cases the term may be increased. 17. Server log file 17.1. The Server Log File is the most reliable source of information in case of any Dispute. The Server Log File has absolute priority over other arguments including the Client Terminal Log File as the Client Terminal Log File does not register every stage of the execution of the Clients Instructions and Requests. 17.2. If the Server Log File has not recorded the relevant information to which the Client refers, the argument based on this reference may not be considered. 18. Indemnification 18.1. The Company may resolve all Disputes by ONLY: 18.1.1. Creditingdebiting the Clients Trading Account 18.1.2. Reopening erroneously closed positions andor 18.1.3. Deleting erroneously opened positions or placed Orders. 18.2. The Company has the right to choose the method of Dispute resolution at its sole discretion. 18.3. Disputes not mentioned in the Agreement will be resolved in accordance with the common market practice and at the sole discretion of the Company. 18.4. The Company shall not be liable to the Client if for any reason the Client has received less profit than had hoped for or has incurred a loss as a result of uncompleted action which the Client had intended to complete. This said, the Company will under no circumstances compensate any lost profit. 18.5. The Company shall not be liable to the Client in respect of any indirect, consequential or non-financial damage (emotional distress, etc). 19. Rejection of complaint 19.1. In case the Client had been notified in advance by the Trading Platform internal mail or some other way of routine construction on the Server, complaints made in regard to any unexecuted Instructions or Requests which are given during such a construction period, are not accepted. The fact that the Client has not received a notice shall not be a reason to file a complaint. 19.2. Complaints regarding Order execution time are not accepted. 19.3. No Client complaints will be accepted in regard to the financial results of the orders opened or closed using temporary excess Free Margin on the Trading Account gained as a result of a profitable position (cancelled by the Company afterwards) or opened at an Off-market quote (Spike) or by any other reason. 19.4. In regard to all Disputes any references by the Client to the Quotes of other companies or information systems can not be taken into account. 19.5. The Client acknowledges that heshe will not be able to manage the position while the Dispute in regard to this position is being considered and no complaints in regard to this matter are accepted. 20. Force majeure 20.1. The Company may, in its reasonable opinion, determine that a Force Majeure Event exists, in which case the Company will, in due course, take reasonable steps to inform the Client. A Force Majeure Event includes without limitation: 20.2. Any act, event or occurrence (including, without limitation, any strike, riot or civil commotion, terrorism, war, act of God, accident, fire, flood, storm, interruption of power supply, electronic, communication equipment or supplier failure, civil unrest, statutory provisions, lock-outs) which, in the Companys reasonable opinion, prevents the Company from maintaining an orderly market in one or more of the Instruments 20.3. The suspension, liquidation or closure of any market or the abandonment or failure of any event to which the Company relates its Quotes, or the imposition of limits or special or unusual terms on the trading in any such market or on any such event. 20.4. In case the Company determines in its reasonable opinion that a Force Majeure Event exists (without prejudice to any other rights under the Agreement) the Company may without prior Written Notice and at any time take any of the following steps: 20.4.1. Increase margin requirements 20.4.2. Close down any or all Open Positions at the prices which the Company shall consider in good faith to be appropriate 20.4.3. Suspend or freeze or modify the application of any or all terms of the Agreement to the extent that the Force Majeure Event makes it impossible or impractical for the Company to comply with them or 20.4.4. Take or omit to take all such other actions as the Company deems to be reasonably appropriate in the circumstances with regard to the position of the Company, the Client and other Clients. 21. Safety 21.1. The Client will not proceed and avoid proceeding in any action that could probably allow the irregular or unauthorized access or use of the Trading Platform. The Client accepts and understands that the Company reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to terminate or limit his access to the Trading Platform if it suspects that he allowed such use. 21.2. When using the Trading Platform the Client will not, whether by act or omission, do anything that will or may violate the integrity of the Platform or cause it to malfunction. 21.3. The Client is permitted to store, display, analyze, modify, reformat and print the information made available through the Trading Platform. The Client is not permitted to publish, transmit, or otherwise reproduce that information, in whole or in part, in any format to any third party without the Companys consent. The Client may not alter, obscure or remove any copyright, trademark or any other notices that are provided on the Trading Platform. 21.4. The Client agrees to keep secret and not to disclose any Access Data to any third party. 21.5. The Client agrees to notify the Company immediately if he knows or suspects that his Access Data have or may have been disclosed to any unauthorized person. 21.6. The Client agrees to co-operate with any investigation the Company may conduct into any misuse or suspected misuse of his Access Data. 21.7. The Client accepts that he will be liable for all Orders given through and being logged in under his Access Data and any such Orders received by the Company shall be considered as received from the Client. 21.8. The Client acknowledges that the Company bears no responsibility for any unauthorized third persons obtaining access to information, including logins, passwords, electronic currency accounts access, emails, electronic addresses, electronic communication and personal data, when the above are transmitted, using the internet or other network communication facilities, post, telephone, during oral or written conversation or any other means. 21.9 The client unconditionally guarantees that the source of the funds used for trading with OctaFX is legal and the funds were not received as a result of any illegal activity, fraud, money laundering or other illegal sources. Failure to comply with this rule will lead to account termination and a report to the legal authorities in all cases without exceptions. IN NO CIRCUMSTANCES the company or its partners andor subsidiaries will bear any responsibility for any claims or complaints if such case arises. 22. Miscellaneous 22.1. The Company has the right to suspend the Clients Trading Account at any time for any good reason with or without Written Notice to the Client. 22.2. In the event that a situation arises that is not covered by the Agreement, the Company will resolve the matter on the basis of good faith and fairness and, where appropriate, by taking such action as is consistent with market practice. 22.3. In case any term of the Agreement (or any part of it) shall be held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be unenforceable for any reason then such term shall, to that extent, be deemed severable and not form part of this Agreement. However, the enforceability of the remainder of the Agreement shall not be affected. 22.4. The Client may not assign, charge or otherwise transfer or purport to assign, charge or otherwise transfer the Clients rights or obligations under the Agreement without prior written consent of the Company and any purported assignment, charge or transfer in violation of this term shall be voided. 22.5. Where the Client comprises two or more persons, the liabilities and obligations under any agreement with the Company shall be joint and several. Any warning or other notice given to one of the persons which form the Client shall be deemed to have been given to all the persons who form the Client. Any Order given by one of the persons who form the Client shall be deemed to have been given by all the persons who form the Client. 22.6. The Client accepts and understands that the Companys official language is English and the Client should always read and refer to the English Version of the Companys Website for all information and disclosures about the Company and its activities. Translation or information provided in languages other than English in the Companys local websites is for informational purposes only and does not bind the Company or has any legal effect whatsoever. The Company shall not bear any responsibility or liability regarding the correctness of the information therein. Você pode começar sua negociação on-line hoje com o OctaFX. Sinta-se à vontade para navegar no nosso calendário econômico. Ele contém informações importantes sobre EURUSD, USDJPY, GBPUSD, USDCHF, EURCHF, AUDUSD, USDCAD, NZDUSD e outros pares de moedas e instrumentos de negociação e fornece notícias de mercado atualizadas e pesquisas de mercado. OctaFX offers a deposit forex bonus of up to 50. You can trade micro-lots (0.01 lots) with OctaFX. Customer Agreement This agreement sets forth the terms and conditions governing your Account at ikofx. In consideration of IKOFX agreeing to carry one or more accounts of the undersigned (hereinafter referred to as the customer) and to provide services to Client in connection with the purchase and sale of currencies of every nature and kind foreign exchange contracts and any similar instruments (collectively referred to as Forex Contracts), which may be purchased or sold by or through IKOFX for Clients accounts(s), Client agrees as follows: 1. REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES As of the date hereof, the date of each Contract and other transaction in Customers Account and any date on which IKOFXs Risk Disclosure Statement or Trading Policies and Procedures are revised, updated or amended, Customer represents and warrants to Ikofx and agrees for the benefit of Ikofx that: 1.1. Customer has full beneficial ownership of Customers Account. Customer has not granted and will not grant a security interest in Customers Account with IKOFX (other than the security interest granted to Ikofx hereunder) to any person without IKOFXs prior written consent. Customer has full beneficial ownership of all collateral and will not grant any security interest in any Collateral to any person (other than the security interest granted to Ikofx hereunder) without IKOFXs prior written consent. 1,2. Customer will execute and deliver all documents, give all notices, make all filings and take such other actions as Ikofx, in its sole discretion, deems necessary or desirable to evidence or perfect any security interest in favor of Ikofx or to protect IKOFXs interests with respect to any Collateral. 1.3. Customer has read and understands the provisions contained in this Agreement, including, without limitation, IKOFXs Risk Disclosure Statement and Trading Policies and Procedures, customer will review the Agreement each time it is amended. Customer will not affect any Opening Transaction in Customers Account unless Customer understands Ikofxs revised Agreement, and Customer agrees that in effecting any Opening Transaction it is deemed to represent that it has read and understands IKOFXs revised Agreement as in effect at the time of such Opening Transaction. 1.4. Customer agrees to comply with all applicable law. You may not use your personal account with IKOFX for any illegal activity. 1.5. All information provided by Customer to IKOFX, including information regarding Customers trading experience and investment sophistication, is true, correct and complete, and Customer will notify Ikofx promptly of any changes in such information. 2. AUTHORIZATION TO TRADE IKOFX is hereby authorized to purchase and sell Forex Contracts for Clients account(s) in accordance with Clients oral, Cross Currency Contracts on a spot basis for Customers Account in accordance with Customers instructions received through the IKOFX MetaTrader Online Trading System or via telephone to the IKOFX Trading Desk. Customer agrees to be conclusively responsible for any instruction received electronically that is identified with Customers password and Account number and for any electronic, oral and written instruction (including, but limited to, any Order) to Ikofx from persons Ikofx, in its sole judgment, believes are apparently authorized by Customer. 2.1 Ikofx will make available, by posting on the IKOFX MetaTrader Online Trading System or by telephoning the Ikofx Trading Desk, Bid Prices and Ask Prices at which Ikofx is prepared to enter Foreign Currency Contracts or Cross Currency Contracts with Customer. IKOFX expects that these prices will be reasonably related to the bid prices and ask prices available in the market at that time for similar transactions, but a number of factors, such as communication system delays, high volume or volatility can result in deviations between prices quoted by IKOFX and other sources. IKOFX makes no warranty, express or implied, that Bid Prices and Ask Prices represent prevailing bid prices and ask prices. 2.2 IKOFX will attempt to execute all Orders that it may, in its sole discretion, accept from Customer in accordance with Customers instructions received through the IKOFX MetaTrader Online Trading System or via telephone to the IKOFX Trading Desk 2.3 IKOFX retains the right to limit the amount andor total number of open positions that Client may acquire or maintain at IKOFX. IKOFX reserves the right to refuse to accept any order. IKOFX shall have no responsibility for delays in the transmission of orders due to disruption, failure or malfunction of communications facilities and shall not be liable for any claims, losses, damages, costs or expenses. 3. MARGIN AND DEPOSIT REQUIREMENTS Customer shall deposit with IKOFX or margin in such amounts that IKOFX may require. Customer agrees to deposit by immediate wire transfer such additional margin when and as required by IKOFX and will promptly meet all margin calls by such methods as IKOFX in its sole discretion designates. IKOFX may change Margin requirements at any time, without prior notice to Customer, and may call for additional Margin (Margin Call) at any time Customers Margin Balance falls below IKOFXs Minimum Margin Requirement. Margin calls are conclusive and binding unless objected to immediately in writing. 4. SETTLEMENT DATE AND ROLLOVERS In the absence of contrary instructions from Client, IKOFX is authorized, in its absolute discretion, to rollover or offset all or any portion of the positions in Clients Account(s) at Clients risk in advance of settlement dates. A position carried forward may be credited or debited interest charges until the position is closed. 5. LIQUIDATION OF ACCOUNTS AND PAYMENT OF DEFICIT BALANCES In the event of: (a) the death or judicial declaration of incompetence of Client, (b) the filing of a petition in bankruptcy, or a petition for the appointment of a receiver, or the institution of any insolvency or similar proceeding by or against Client, (c) insufficient margin, (d) Clients failure to provide IKOFX any information requested pursuant to this agreement, or (e) any other circumstances or developments that IKOFX deems appropriate for its protection. IKOFX may, take one or more, or any portion, of the following actions: (1) satisfy any obligation Customer may have to IKOFX out of any of Customers funds (2) sell or purchase any or all Forex Contracts, securities or property held or carried for Client and (3) cancel any or all outstanding Orders or Contracts or other transactions or commitments made by or on behalf of Customer. Any of the above actions may be taken without demand for margin or additional margin, without prior notice of sale or purchase or other notice to Client, Customers legal representatives, heirs, executor, administrator, trustee, legatee, successors or assigns and regardless of whether the ownership interest is held individually or jointly with others. In liquidation of Customers Long Positions and Short Positions, Ikofx may, in its sole discretion, offset in the same settlement or it may initiate new Long Positions or Short Positions in order to establish a spread or straddle that in IKOFXs sole judgment may be advisable to protect or reduce existing positions in Customers Account. Any sales or purchases hereunder may be made at IKOFXs discretion with any inter-bank or other market where such business is then usually transacted or at a public auction or private sale, and IKOFX may purchase the whole or any part thereof free from any right of redemption. Client shall at all times be liable for the payment of any deficit balance in Clients account(s) upon demand by IKOFX and in all cases, Client shall be liable for any deficiency remaining in Clients account(s) in the event of the liquidation thereof in whole or in part by IKOFX or by Client. In the event the proceeds realized pursuant to this authorization are insufficient for the payment of all obligations and liabilities of Client owed to IKOFX, Client shall promptly pay upon demand, the deficit together with interest thereon at a rate equal to three points above the then prevailing prime rate at IKOFXs principal bank or the maximum interest rate allowed by law, whichever is lower. Client agrees to pay and shall be liable for all reasonable costs and expenses of collection, including but not limited to, attorneys fees, witness fees and travel expenses. In the event IKOFX incurs expenses other than for the collection of deficits, with respect to any of Clients account(s), Client agrees to pay such expenses. 6. SETTLEMENT DATE OFFSET INSTRUCTIONS Offset instructions on Forex positions must be given to IKOFX at least one (1) business day prior to the settlement or value day. Alternatively, sufficient funds to take delivery or the necessary delivery documents must be in the possession of IKOFX within at least one (1) business day prior to the settlement. If the settlement instructions, funds or settlement documents are not received, IKOFX may without notice, either offset Clients position or roll Clients position into the next settlement time period or make or receive delivery on behalf of Client upon such terms and by such methods deemed reasonable by IKOFX in its sole discretion. 7. CHARGES Client shall pay such brokerage, commission and special service and all incidental banking-related fees such as wire charges for depositswithdrawals and returned check fees and inactivity fees. All such charges shall be paid by Client as incurred and deducted from Clients account 8. MONTHLY STATEMENTS AND CONFIRMATIONS Transaction confirmations of orders and monthly statements of account for Client shall be deemed correct and shall be conclusive and binding upon Client if not objected to immediately upon receipt and confirmed in writing within (1) business day after transmittal to Client by e-mail, internet access or otherwise. Written objections on Clients part must be sent by e-mail to accountikofx . 9. COMMUNICATIONS Client hereby authorizes IKOFX to transmit to Client all transaction confirmations and monthly statements of account activity, funds and positions by facsimile transmission, e-mail, internet access or otherwise to such e-mail address as Client designates on the client application, or as Client designates from time to time in writing addressed to IKOFX. This authorization shall be perpetual, unless changed or revoked in writing by Client and addressed to IKOFX. 10. IKOFX RESPONSIBILITIES IKOFX will not be responsible for delays in the transmission of orders due to a breakdown or failure of transmission or communication facilities, electrical power outage or for any other cause beyond IKOFXs control or anticipation. IKOFX shall only be liable for its actions directly attributable to negligence, willful default or fraud on the part of IKOFX. IKOFX shall not be liable for losses arising from the default of any agent or any other party used by IKOFX under this agreement. 11. SCALPING RULES Scalping technique less than two minutes is prohibited, all posts are require to be held at least two minutes or longer. A penalidade pode fazer com que os lucros e descontos sejam perdidos. 12. DECEITFUL OR FRAUDULENCE ACTIVITY Any indication or suspicion of fraud, manipulation, cash-back arbitrage, or other forms of deceitful or fraudulent activity in an Eligible Clients live Mini or Standard Account(s) with IKOFX or otherwise related or connected to any IKOFX Bonus Promotion will nullify all previously credited bonuses of the Eligible Clients live Mini or Standard Accounts with IKOFX andor any and all transactions carried andor profits or losses garnered therein. In these circumstances, IKOFX reserves the right, at its sole discretion to closesuspension (temporarily or permanently) all such Eligible Clients live Mini or Standard Accounts with IKOFX, cancel all orders and annul all profits of such participant. In these circumstances, IKOFX shall not be liable for any consequences of the bonus cancelation, including, but not limited to, order(s) closure by StopOut. 13. CURRENCY FLUCTUATION RISK If client directs IKOFX to enter into any currency transaction: (a) any profit or loss arising as a result of a fluctuation in the exchange rate affecting such currency will be entirely for clients account and risk (b) all initial and subsequent deposits for margin purposes shall be made in U. S. dollars, in such amounts as IKOFX may in its sole discretion require and (c) IKOFX is authorized to convert funds in Traders account for margin into and from such foreign currency at a rate of exchange determined by IKOFX in its sole discretion on the basis of the then prevailing money market rates. 14. CURRENCY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Client acknowledges that investments in leveraged and non-leveraged transactions are speculative, involve a high degree of risk, and are appropriate only for persons who can assume risk of loss in excess of their margin deposit to carry Forex positions and may result in significant losses that substantially exceed Clients investment and margin deposit. Client represents and warrants to IKOFX that Client is willing and able, financially and otherwise, to assume the risk of trading in Forex transactions, and in consideration of IKOFXs carrying hisher account(s), Client agrees not to hold IKOFX responsible for losses incurred through trading. Client acknowledges that Client has received no such guarantees from IKOFX or from any of its introducing or referring agents or other entities with whom Client is conducting hisher IKOFX account and has not entered into this Agreement in consideration of or in reliance upon any such guarantees or similar. 15. DISCLOSURE OF FINANCIAL INFORMATION The client represents and warrants that the financial information disclosed to IKOFX in this document is an accurate representation of the clients current financial condition. Client has very carefully considered the portion of the Clients assets which the Client considers to be risk capital available for investment in Forex Contracts. 16. NO GUARANTEES Client acknowledges that Client has no separate agreement with IKOFX or any IKOFX employee or agent regarding the trading in Clients IKOFX account, including any agreement to guarantee profits or limit losses in Clients account. 17. NO WAIVER OR AMENDMENT No provision of this Agreement may be waived or amended unless the waiver or amendment is in writing and signed by both Client and an authorized officer of IKOFX. No waiver or amendment of this Agreement may be implied from any course of dealing between the parties or from any failure by IKOFX or its agents to assert its rights under this Agreement on any occasion or series of occasions. 18. INDEMNITY AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITY The Client hereby agrees to indemnify against all losses, expenses, costs (including legal costs), and liabilities whatsoever which arise, directly or indirectly, as a result of IKOFXs proper performance of its obligations, or the enforcement of its rights pursuant to these Conditions, or by reason of any breach by the Client of this Agreement. These indemnities shall be in addition to any other right, indemnity or claim which IKOFX may have under this Agreement or the general law and shall not be affected by any variation or limitation of this Agreement. These indemnities shall survive termination of this Agreement. 19. TERMINATION This Agreement shall continue and be in effect until termination by client or IKOFX. Customer may terminate this Agreement if: (a) client has no open Foreign Currency positions and no liability held by or owed to IKOFX and (b) client has provided three (3) days written notice to IKOFX by e-mail. Termination by either party shall not affect any contracts or other transaction previously entered into. 20. BINDING EFFECT This Agreement shall be continuous and shall cover, individually and collectively, all accounts of Client at any time opened or reopened with IKOFX irrespective of any change at any time in the personnel of IKOFX or its successors, affiliates or assigns. This Agreement including all authorizations, shall inure to the benefit of IKOFX and its successors and assigns, whether by merger, consolidation or otherwise, and shall be binding upon Client andor the estate, executor, trustees, administrators, legal representatives, successors and assigns of Client. Client hereby ratifies all transactions with IKOFX affected prior to the date of this Agreement, and agrees that the rights and obligations of Client in respect thereto shall be governed by the terms of this Agreement. Terms and Conditions These Terms and Conditions were last modified April 2012. The FXCM Group of companies (collectively, FXCM) is pleased to provide you with information, content, tools, products and services on the FXCM Sites (the term FXCM Sites refers to all FXCM websites, as well as to their content including products and services). These Terms and Conditions also include important disclosures and information related to certain products and services. Your use of FXCM Sites is subject to these Terms and Conditions. These Terms and Conditions are a binding agreement between you and FXCM. Your access to and use of this website constitutes your acceptance of these Terms and Conditions and any other legal notices and statements contained on this website. Your use of FXCM Sites is governed by the version of the Terms and Conditions in effect on the date each FXCM Site is accessed by you. FXCM may modify these Terms and Conditions at any time and without prior notice. You should review the most current version these Terms and Conditions by visiting an FXCM Site and clicking on the Terms and Conditions hyperlink located at the bottom of the page. Your continued access to and use of this website constitutes your acceptance of these Terms and Conditions as modified. The only notice of changes or modification to these Terms and Conditions will be by FXCM publishing revised Terms and Conditions on this website FXCM will not separately notify you of any changes or modifications. These Terms and Conditions are in addition to any other agreements between you and FXCM, including any customer or account agreements, and any other agreements that govern your use of information, content, tools, products and services available on and through the FXCM Sites. USE OF FXCM SITES The FXCM Sites are intended only for your personal, non-commercial use, unless you and FXCM have agreed otherwise in writing. DISTRIBUTION AND RESPONSIBILITY OF VISITORS The information on this website is not intended for distribution to, or use by, any person in any country or jurisdiction where such distribution or use would be contrary to local law or regulation. None of the services or investments referred to in FXCM Sites are available to persons residing in any country where the provision of such services or investments would be contrary to local law or regulation. É responsabilidade dos visitantes deste site verificar os termos e cumprir com qualquer lei ou regulamento local a que estão sujeitos. Nothing on the FXCM Sites shall be considered a solicitation to buy or an offer to sell any product or service to any person in any jurisdiction where such offer, solicitation, purchase or sale would be unlawful under the laws of such jurisdiction. LIMITATIONS ON INVESTMENT GUIDANCE AND PROFESSIONAL ADVICE The FXCM Sites are not intended to provide legal, tax or investment advice. You are solely responsible for determining whether any investment, investment strategy or related transaction is appropriate for you based on your personal investment objectives, financial circumstances and risk tolerance. You should consult your legal or tax professional regarding your specific situation. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY The FXCM Sites are protected by applicable intellectual property laws. Except as expressly stated herein, you may not without FXCMs prior written permission alter, modify, reproduce, distribute or commercially exploit any materials, including text, graphics, video, audio, software code, user interface design or logos, from this or any FXCM Site. If you link from another website to an FXCM Site, your website, as well as the link itself, may not, without FXCMs prior written permission, suggest that FXCM endorses, sponsors or is affiliated with any non - FXCM website, entity, service or product, and may not make use of any FXCM trademarks or service marks other than those contained within the text of the link. The FXCM Sites, excluding third party content, are original works of authorship published by FXCM. FXCM has the exclusive rights to reproduce, display, prepare derivative works or distribute. The names, logos, trademarks, copyright and all other intellectual property rights in all of the material and software on this website are owned by FXCM or its licensors. All third-party owned materials contained on the website are reproduced with the permission of the respective owners. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED Although the FXCM Sites including the products and services are accessible worldwide, not all features, products or services discussed, referenced, provided or offered through or on the Site are available to all persons or in all jurisdictions, or appropriate or available for use in certain jurisdictions. FXCM reserves the right to limit, in its sole discretion, the products and services it makes available, the provision and the quantity to any person. PAYMENTS AND REFUND POLICY All sales of products are final. Fees paid for products and services are non-refundable. Prices for products offered via the Merchant Solutions may change at any time, and the Merchant Solutions does not provide price protection or refunds in the event of a price reduction or promotional offering. If a product becomes unavailable following a transaction but prior to download, your sole remedy is a refund. If technical problems prevent or unreasonably delay delivery of your product, your exclusive and sole remedy is either replacement or refund of the price paid, as determined by FXCM. CONTENT AVAILIBILITY FXCM reserves the right to change content, products and services, (including eligibility for particular features, products andor services) without notice. THIRD PARTY CONTENT AND RESEARCH The FXCM Sites may include general news and information, commentary, interactive tools, quotes, research reports and data concerning the foreign exchange markets, other financial markets and other subjects. Some of this content may be supplied by companies that are not affiliated with any FXCM Entity (Third Party Content). The source of all Third Party Content is clearly and prominently identified on FXCM Sites. Third Party Content may be available through framed areas, through hyperlinks to third party web sites, or is simply published on the site. The Third Party Content is protected by applicable intellectual property laws and international treaties and is owned by or licensed from the Third Party Content provider(s) credited. FXCM does not explicitly or implicitly endorse or approve such Third Party Content. The Third Party Content providers do not implicitly or explicitly endorse or approve the Third Party Content, nor should their content be construed as legal, tax or investment advice. While FXCM makes every attempt to provide accurate and timely information to serve the needs of users, neither FXCM nor Third Party Content providers guarantee its accuracy, timeliness, completeness or usefulness, and are not responsible or liable for any such content, including any advertising, products, or other materials on or available from third party sites. Third Party Content is provided for informational purposes only and FXCM and Third Party Content providers specifically disclaim any liability for Third Party Content available on the site. You will use Third Party Content only at your own risk. THE THIRD PARTY CONTENT IS PROVIDED ON AN AS-IS BASIS. THE THIRD PARTY CONTENT PROVIDERS EXPRESSLY DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. 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However, FXCM does not guarantee its accuracy, and will not accept liability for any loss or damage that may arise directly or indirectly from the content or your inability to access the Web site, for any delay in or failure of the transmission or the receipt of any instruction or notifications sent through this Web site. All content on the FXCM Sites is presented only as of the date published or indicated, and may be superseded by subsequent market events or for other reasons. In addition, you are responsible for setting the cache settings on your browser to ensure you are receiving the most recent data. PROHIBITED USES Because all servers have limited capacity and are used by many people, do not use FXCM Sites in any manner that could damage or overburden any FXCM server, or any network connected to any FXCM server. Do not use FXCM Sites in any manner that would interfere with any other partys use of the FXCM Sites. USE OF LINKS The FXCM website may contain links to websites operated by other parties. FXCM does not control the content or accuracy of information on such websites and does not otherwise endorse the material placed on such sites. The links are provided for your reference only and FXCM excludes all liability and responsibility for the content or operation of these third party websites. TEXT ALERTS TERMS AND CONDITIONS By entering your mobile phone number and activating text messaging alerts you: (a) acknowledge to FXCM that you are the authorized user of the mobile phone(s) (i) that you activate the text alert service and (ii) grant FXCM the permission to send text messages to that phone number(s) Subject to applicable law, you agree that FXCM may contact you at the phone number(s) provided. Text messaging message and data rates may apply to text messages. Message frequency varies. Text HELP to 36739 for help regarding text messages Text STOP to 36739 to cancel text messages at any time. Participating carriers: ATT, Verizon Wireless, Sprint, T-Mobile, Metro PCS, U. S. Cellular, Boost Mobile, and Virgin Mobile. T-Mobile is not liable for delayed or undelivered messages. For additional information regarding FXCMs use of your information please see FXCMs privacy policy. EXCLUSION OF WARRANTIES FXCM DOES NOT MAKE ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES ABOUT THE FXCM SITES OR TEXT MESSAGING ALERTS, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. THE FXCM SITES ARE MADE AVAILABLE TO YOU AS IS AND AS AVAILABLE AND FXCM DOES NOT WARRANT THAT ANY DEFECTS OR INACCURACIES WILL BE CORRECTED. FXCM DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE FXCM SITES WILL MEET YOUR NEEDS, OR THAT THEY WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED, TIMELY, SECURE OR ERROR-FREE. FXCM ALSO MAKES NO WARRANTY THAT THE RESULTS OBTAINED FROM THE USE OF THE FXCM SITES WILL BE ACCURATE OR RELIABLE, OR THAT THE QUALITY OF ANY PRODUCTS, SERVICES, INFORMATION, OR OTHER MATERIAL PURCHASED OR OBTAINED BY YOU THROUGH THE FXCM SITES WILL MEET YOUR EXPECTATIONS. DISCLAIMER AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITY TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, FXCM WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, DIRECT, OR INDIRECT DAMAGES (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOST PROFITS, TRADING LOSSES OR DAMAGES THAT RESULT FROM USE OR LOSS OF USE OF THE FXCM SITES, TEXT MESSAGING ALERTS AND THIRD PARTY CONTENT, INCONVENIENCE OR DELAY). THIS IS TRUE EVEN IF FXCM HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES OR LOSSES. EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE REQUIRED BY LAW, FXCM WILL NOT BE LIABLE TO YOU OR ANYONE ELSE FOR ANY LOSS RESULTING FROM A CAUSE OVER WHICH SUCH FXCM DOES NOT HAVE DIRECT CONTROL. THIS INCLUDES FAILURE OF ELECTRONIC OR MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT OR COMMUNICATIONS LINES (INCLUDING TELEPHONE, CABLE AND INTERNET), UNAUTHORIZED ACCESS, VIRUSES, THEFT, OPERATOR ERRORS, SEVERE OR EXTRAORDINARY WEATHER (INCLUDING FLOOD, EARTHQUAKE, OR OTHER ACT OF GOD), FIRE, WAR, INSURRECTION, TERRORIST ACT, RIOT, LABOR DISPUTE AND OTHER LABOR PROBLEMS, ACCIDENT, EMERGENCY OR ACTION OF GOVERNMENT. IF YOU LIVE IN A STATE, COUNTRY OR JURISDICTION THAT DOES NOT ALLOW THE LIMITATION OR EXCLUSION OF LIABILITY OR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SOME OR ALL OF THESE LIMITATIONS AND EXCLUSIONS MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. INDEMNIFICATION As a condition of your use of the FXCM Sites, you agree to indemnify and hold FXCM and its Third Party Content providers harmless from and against any and all claims, losses, liability, costs and expenses (including but not limited to attorneys fees) arising from your use of the FXCM Sites, or from your violation of these Terms or your use of receipt of or failure to receive text messaging alerts. CONFIDENTIALITY It is your obligation to keep FXCM accounts numbers and passwords confidential. You acknowledge and agree that any instruction or communication transmitted to you or on your behalf via any FXCM Site is made at your own risk. You authorize FXCM to rely and act on, and treat as fully authorized and binding upon you, any instruction given to FXCM that FXCM believes to have been given by you or on your behalf by any agent or intermediary whom FXCM believe in good faith to have been duly authorized by you. You acknowledge and agree that FXCM shall be entitled to rely upon your account number andor password to identify you and agree you will not disclose this information to anyone not duly authorized by you. TERMINATION FXCM reserves the right to terminate your usage of the FXCM Sites at any time, for any reason, with or without cause and without prior notice. SEVERABILITY If for any reason any provision of these Terms and Conditions is deemed invalid or unenforceable, that provision will be enforced to the maximum extent permissible, and the remaining provisions will remain in full force and effect. GOVERNING LAW AND JURISDICTION Unless otherwise agreed, these Terms and Conditions and their enforcement are governed by the laws of the state of New York, without regard to principles of conflicts of law, and shall inure to the benefit of FXCMs successors and assigns, whether by merger, consolidation, or otherwise. This is the case regardless of whether you reside or transact business with FXCM in New York or elsewhere. Unless a dispute would be governed by an applicable arbitration clause, you irrevocably agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the federal and state courts located within the city and county of New York, NY and hereby waive any objection to the convenience or propriety of venue therein. Provided however, that nothing herein shall prevent FXCM from bringing any action in the courts of any other jurisdiction. FXCM SOFTWARE END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT FOREX CAPITAL MARKETS, LLC (FXCM), AND EACH OF ITS AFFILIATES AND SUBSIDIARIES (COLLECTIVELY, FXCM) IS WILLING TO LICENSE THE SOFTWARE (defined below) TO YOU ONLY UPON THE CONDITION THAT YOU ACCEPT ALL OF THE TERMS CONTAINED IN THIS END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT (EULA). THIS EULA IS A LEGAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN YOU AND FXCM. READ IT CAREFULLY BEFORE COMPLETING THE INSTALLATION PROCESS ANDOR USING THE SOFTWARE. BY USING THE SOFTWARE YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU HAVE READ THE TERMS OF THE EULA AND AGREE TO THEM. IF YOU ARE AGREEING TO THESE TERMS ON BEHALF OF A COMPANY OR OTHER LEGAL ENTITY, YOU REPRESENT THAT YOU HAVE THE LEGAL AUTHORITY TO BIND THE LEGAL ENTITY TO THESE TERMS. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE SUCH AUTHORITY, OR IF YOU DO NOT WISH TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS, THEN YOU CANNOT USE THE SOFTWARE IDENTIFIED BELOW OR ANY OTHER MEDIA ON WHICH THE SOFTWARE IS CONTAINED. DEFINITIONS. Programas. Software is defined as downloadable FXCM platforms and APIs, including but not limited to Trading Station, Active Trader, as well as any other software, updates or error corrections provided by FXCM, and any associated data, media, files, user manuals, programming guides, signals, messages, alerts and other documentation provided to you by FXCM or otherwise disseminated by FXCM. License. License is defined as a limited, revocable, non-sublicenseable, non-exclusive, non-transferable right to use Software, granted to you. GRANT OF LICENSE. FXCM grants you the right to install, use, access, display and run the Software on any computer or mobile device, where applicable, that you own or control, for personal, non-commercial use, unless you and FXCM have agreed otherwise in writing, and provided that you comply with all terms and conditions of this EULA. SCOPE AND LIMITATIONS. You may not rent, lease, lend, sell, redistribute, reuse, retransmit, sublicense or exploit the Software including the Software text, graphics, video, audio, codes, user interface design or logs. You may not copy (except as expressly permitted by this EULA), decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble, attempt to derive the source code of, modify, or create derivative works of the Software, any updates, or any part thereof including but not limited to the Software text, graphics, video, audio, codes, user interface design or logs. Any attempt to do so is a violation of the rights of FXCM. The terms of the EULA will govern any upgrades provided by FXCM that replace andor supplement the original Software, unless such upgrade is accompanied by a separate license in which case the terms of that license will govern. The Software is not intended for distribution to, or use by, any person in any country or jurisdiction where such distribution or use would be contrary to local law or regulation. It is your responsibility to ascertain the terms of the EULA and comply with any local law or regulation to which you are subject. You shall not use or permit anyone to use the Software for any unlawful or unauthorized purpose. The information provided to you in the Software is the exclusive proprietary content of FXCM and where applicable, its third party vendors, licensors and the affiliates thereof. Nothing in this EULA shall provide you with any proprietary rights in the Software or any information provided to you in the Software. As a condition to this License you understand and agree that your download andor use of the Software will expose you to risks associated with the download andor use of software that may not be compatible with your computer equipment. You hereby agree to accept such risks, including, but not limited to, failure of or damage to, hardware, software, communication lines or systems, andor other computer equipment. FXCM expressly disclaims any liability with respect to the foregoing, and you agree to fully indemnify, defend and hold harmless FXCM from any and all damages, liabilities, losses, costs and expenses that may arise therefrom. CONSENT TO USE OF DATA. You agree that FXCM may collect and use technical data and related information, including but not limited to technical information about your computer, system and application software, and peripherals, that is gathered periodically to facilitate the provision of Software updates, product support and other services to you (if any) related to this EULA. LINKS TO THIRD PARTY CONTENT. You may link to third party content through the use of the Software. The third party sites are not under the control of FXCM and FXCM is not responsible for the contents of any third party sites, any links contained in third party sites, or any changes or updates to third party sites. Inclusion of any link does not imply an endorsement by FXCM of the third party site. Certain third-party information transmitted in the Software may require additional approvals by the vendor or third party that supplies such information. You are responsible for making application to and receiving such written approval by the required third-party and paying any fees or charges where applicable. The License granted to you under this EULA can be terminated by FXCM at any time without notice, with or without cause. FXCM reserves the right to terminate your rights under this License without notice from FXCM if you fail to comply with any term(s) of this EULA. Upon termination of the License, you shall cease all use of the Software, and destroy all copies, full or partial, of the Software. You acknowledge that certain information is being supplied by third parties with whom FXCM has entered into an agreement. In the event any agreement between a third party provider of information or software and FXCM is terminated, FXCM will stop providing you with this information or software immediately and without notice. Pursuant to the terms of Section 10, neither FXCM nor any third party vendor or information provider with whom FXCM has entered into an agreement shall have any liability to you in connection with such termination. You acknowledge that the Software is protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws. You further acknowledge that all right, title and interest therein are the sole property of FXCM and its third party licensors, where applicable, and that you receive no rights, title or interests in the Software except as expressly set forth herein. You agree not to challenge either FXCMs or any third party licensors rights in or otherwise attempt to assert any rights in the Software, except those provided under this EULA. FXCM DOES NOT MAKE ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES ABOUT THE SOFTWARE, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. THE SOFTWARE IS MADE AVAILABLE TO YOU AS IS AND AS AVAILABLE AND FXCM DOES NOT WARRANT THAT ANY DEFECTS OR INACCURACIES WILL BE CORRECTED. FXCM DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE SOFTWARE WILL MEET YOUR NEEDS, OR THAT YOUR USE WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED, TIMELY, SECURE OR ERROR-FREE. FXCM ALSO MAKES NO WARRANTY THAT THE RESULTS OBTAINED FROM THE USE OF THE SOFTWARE WILL BE ACCURATE OR RELIABLE, OR THAT THE QUALITY OF ANY PRODUCTS, SERVICES, INFORMATION, OR OTHER MATERIAL RELATED TO THE SOFTWARE WILL MEET YOUR EXPECTATIONS. NO ORAL OR WRITTEN INFORMATION OR ADVICE GIVEN BY FXCM OR ITS AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE SHALL CREATE A WARRANTY. FXCM AND ITS THIRD PARTY CONTENT PROVIDERS, THIRD PARTY LICENSORS AND ANY AFFILIATES THEREOF DO NOT MAKE ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES REGARDING THE ACCURACY OR TIMELINESS OF ANY AND ALL INFORMATION PROVIDED VIA THE SOFTWARE. SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OF IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR LIMITATIONS ON APPLICABLE STATUTORY RIGHTS OF A CONSUMER, SO THE ABOVE EXCLUSION AND LIMITATIONS MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY:TO THE EXTENT PERMISSIBLE BY LAW, IN NO EVENT SHALL FXCM, ANY THIRD PARTY CONTENT PROVIDER, ANY THIRD PARTY LICENSOR OR ANY AFFILIATES THEREOF BE LIABLE FOR PERSONAL INJURY, OR ANY INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF PROFITS, LOSS OF DATA, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION OR ANY OTHER COMMERCIAL DAMAGES OR LOSSES (LOSSES), ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO YOUR USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE, HOWEVER CAUSED, REGARDLESS OF THE THEORY OF LIABILITY (CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE) AND EVEN IF FXCM, ANY THIRD PARTY CONTENT PROVIDER, ANY THIRD PARTY LICENSOR OR ANY AFFILIATES THEREOF HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. FURTHERMORE, EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE REQUIRED BY LAW, FXCM WILL NOT BE LIABLE TO YOU OR ANYONE ELSE FOR ANY LOSS RESULTING FROM A CAUSE OVER WHICH SUCH FXCM DOES NOT HAVE DIRECT CONTROL. THIS INCLUDES FAILURE OF ELECTRONIC OR MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT OR COMMUNICATIONS LINES (INCLUDING TELEPHONE, CABLE AND INTERNET), UNAUTHORIZED ACCESS, VIRUSES, THEFT, OPERATOR ERRORS, SEVERE OR EXTRAORDINARY WEATHER (INCLUDING FLOOD, EARTHQUAKE, OR OTHER ACT OF GOD), FIRE, WAR, INSURRECTION, TERRORIST ACT, RIOT, LABOR DISPUTE AND OTHER LABOR PROBLEMS, ACCIDENT, EMERGENCY OR ACTION OF GOVERNMENT. SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR PERSONAL INJURY, OR OF INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SO THIS LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. USE OF ANY THIRD-PARTY SOFTWARE WILL BE GOVERNED BY THE APPLICABLE LICENSE AGREEMENT, IF ANY, WITH SUCH THIRD PARTY. FXCM IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY THIRD-PARTY SOFTWARE AND WILL HAVE NO LIABILITY OF ANY KIND FOR LOSSES RESULTING FROM YOUR USE OF SUCH THIRD-PARTY SOFTWARE WITH FXCMS SOFTWARE. FXCM MAKES NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WITH RESPECT TO SUCH THIRD-PARTY SOFTWARE. GOVERNING LAWS AND JURISDICTION. Unless otherwise agreed, this EULA and its enforcement is governed by the laws of the state of New York, without regard to principles of conflicts of law, and shall inure to the benefit of FXCMs successors and assigns, whether by merger, consolidation, or otherwise. This is the case regardless of whether you reside or transact business with FXCM in New York or elsewhere. Unless a dispute would be governed by an applicable arbitration clause, you irrevocably agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the federal and state courts located within the city and county of New York, NY and hereby waive any objection to the convenience or propriety of venue therein. Provided however, that nothing herein shall prevent FXCM from bringing any action in the courts of any other jurisdiction. If for any reason a court of competent jurisdiction finds any provision, or portion thereof, to be unenforceable, the remainder of this License shall continue in full force and effect. Any translation of this License is done for local requirements or for your convenience. In the event of a dispute between the English and any non-English versions, the English version of this License shall govern, to the extent not prohibited by local law in your jurisdiction. Modifications to the EULA. FXCM reserves the right to change the terms and conditions of the EULA at any time with or without notice by posting such changes on the fxcm website. You are responsible for regularly reviewing these terms and conditions for any modifications and agree to be bound by the same.

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