Sunday 27 August 2017

Cvs Stock Options Employees

Notícias do mercado de ações de hoje Análise do amplificador Tempo real após as horas Notícias do pré-mercado Resumo das citações do flash Gráficos interativos Configuração padrão Observe que, uma vez que você fizer sua seleção, ela se aplicará a todas as futuras visitas ao NASDAQ. Se, a qualquer momento, você estiver interessado em reverter as nossas configurações padrão, selecione Configuração padrão acima. Se você tiver dúvidas ou encontrar quaisquer problemas na alteração das configurações padrão, envie um email para isfeedbacknasdaq. Confirme a sua seleção: Você selecionou para alterar sua configuração padrão para a Pesquisa de orçamento. Esta será a sua página de destino padrão, a menos que você altere sua configuração novamente ou exclua seus cookies. Tem certeza de que deseja alterar suas configurações. Temos um favor a pedir. Desative seu bloqueador de anúncios (ou atualize suas configurações para garantir que o javascript e os cookies estejam habilitados), para que possamos continuar fornecendo as notícias de mercado de primeira linha E dados que você espera de nós. Curriculum vitae escrevendo dicas e modelos sobre como escrever um CV - modelos de curriculum vitae, amostras de cv e exemplos Esta página oferece dicas, técnicas, exemplos e ajuda de escrita de CV para mudanças de carreira e treinamento profissional. Se você quer um currículo fácil e rápido sem os conselhos e técnicas de suporte para o treinamento profissional, vá direto para o guia rápido de escrita do CV, exemplos de frases CV e modelo CV. Aqui estão as versões anteriores de documentos e pdf desses arquivos, com caixas de texto: arquivo de modelo de modelo CV. E guia de modelo de CV PDF. Caixas de texto podem ser complicadas - em caso de dúvida, use as versões acima. Possui um método e ferramenta de busca local muito direta. Que é adaptável para sua própria situação e pode ajudar a colocar seu currículo na frente dos empregadores locais de forma muito rápida e eficaz. Se você quiser mais detalhes e métodos para escrever um excelente CV, planejar e alcançar bons desenvolvimentos de carreira e mudanças de trabalho úteis, continue lendo. Embora as regras básicas de um bom CV permaneçam constantes, o mundo do trabalho e dos negócios muda rapidamente. Isso especialmente impacta em como os gerentes e graduados podem mostrar-se melhor para serem candidatos excelentes. Leia e use as regras básicas de CV, então tome tempo e esforço para definir suas próprias qualidades especiais (por exemplo, veja o que os empregadores progressivos bem-sucedidos precisam) para que você ofereça capacidades fortemente diferenciadas que prometem valor especial e relevante para um potencial empregador. A versão em inglês dos EUA dessas dicas de CV e exemplos de formatos (currículos em vez de curriculum vitaes ou CV) estão na página de dicas e exemplos de currículos. E aqui estão as versões dos EUA dos modelos (estilo de caixa de texto): modelo de currículo (arquivo doc - MSWord). E como um guia do currículo modelo PDF. Índice - escrevendo o melhor currículo cv curriculum vitae dicas de escrita - introdução Mantenha seu curriculum vitae simples. Seu curriculum vitae deve ser conciso. Seu curriculum vitae deve ser fácil de ler. Seu curriculum vitae deve vender você. E seu curriculum vitae deve ser adaptado ao que o leitor está procurando. Esses princípios de CV e de letra se aplicam a todos os movimentos de carreira. Ter um bom CV é essencial para empregos em tempo integral, a tempo parcial, internos, externos, promoções, novos empregos, mudanças de carreira, estágios e colocações de experiência profissional - onde um empregador ou um tomador de decisões é uma lista curta ou entrevistando ou selecionando candidatos . Candidatos selecionados e bem-sucedidos são invariavelmente pessoas que fornecem aos empregadores os melhores currículos e as melhores cartas de apresentação. Um CV não precisa ser um documento de texto. Pode ser um vídeo. Se uma imagem diz mil palavras, imagine o que as imagens em movimento podem transmitir sobre você. A tecnologia existe agora para que alguém crie um CV de vídeo e faça o upload para um site - incluindo esse. Essas notas, portanto, não são restritas a currículos baseados em texto. Os princípios também são bons para o seu CV de vídeo. Texto ou Vídeo - aplicam-se os mesmos princípios. A forma como você atua na entrevista ou na seleção de grupo é, obviamente, crucial, mas apenas as pessoas com melhores currículos e letras chegam a esse estágio. A escrita CV é uma forma de marketing ou publicidade, quando o produto é você. Isto é especialmente assim agora, quando você pode publicar seu CV - ou currículo de vídeo em sites. Oportunidades cada vez mais permitem criar um impressionante CV de novas mídias e depois comercializar-se de forma proativa aos empregadores onde você pode ser visto e também referenciado por você em cartas e documentos impressos. Seu CV deve vendê-lo para um potencial empregador e competir contra outros candidatos que também estão tentando se vender. Assim, o desafio na escrita de CV é ser mais atraente e atraente do que o resto. Isso significa que o seu curriculum vitae deve ser apresentado de forma profissional, clara e de uma forma que indique que você é um candidato ideal para o trabalho, ou seja, você possui as habilidades, a experiência, o comportamento, a atitude e a moral corretas que o empregador procura. A maneira como você apresenta seu CV efetivamente demonstra sua capacidade de comunicação, e particularmente para explicar uma proposta de negócios profissional. Coloque-se no lugar do empregador: anote uma descrição da pessoa que está procurando. Agora você pode usar isso como uma impressão azul para o seu CV. Quanto melhor a partida, mais provável é que você seja convocado para uma entrevista. Se você achar difícil combinar sua própria descrição de CV com os requisitos do papel, então talvez o papel não seja para você. Há pouco ou nenhum ponto que distorce ou se falsifica para conseguir um emprego. Se você se falsificar em seu CV, não será provável que forneça a prova necessária de suas reivindicações na entrevista, e mesmo se você conseguir fazer isso e conseguir o trabalho, então você não poderá fazer o trabalho de forma agradável sem estresse. Obviamente encontrar um currículo é uma estratégia arriscada, especialmente sobre qualificações, e você deve evitar essa tentação. Melhor ser orgulhoso e confiante de quem você é. Integridade e reputação são mais importantes do que as qualificações. Um CV com uma mentira é um constrangimento, ou mesmo uma demissão, esperando por acontecer, às vezes anos mais tarde, quando você tem muito a perder. Sopre sua própria trombeta, enfatize suas características, suas capacidades e realizações - tudo bem - mas saiba onde desenhar a linha. Ênfase positiva e apresentação forte são falsidades boas não são. Sobre o ponto de soprar sua própria trombeta (apresentando-se dentro do CV de uma luz muito positiva) - muitas pessoas acham isso difícil, especialmente aqueles com personalidades sensíveis fortes, que vêem a vida em termos de fatos nus (faça tempo para ver a seção de personalidade . E leia Jung, Myers Briggs, etc. - isso ajudará você a entender muito sobre você). Se você é uma dessas pessoas (de fato, muitas pessoas são), tente obter ajuda de alguém criativo e entusiasta para ajudá-lo a interpretar e escrever frases muito positivas e descrições sobre você para seu CV. No seu CV, é importante enfatizar seus atributos em termos fortes, relevantes e expressivos, a modéstia não funciona particularmente bem em qualquer CV. Além disso, existe uma ampla escola de pensamento que escrever tais declarações - descrições poderosas sobre você, sua personalidade e seus pontos fortes e capacidades - realmente ajuda você a se tornar ainda mais como a pessoa que você descreve. Está relacionado à PNL. Auto-conversa, auto-crença. E visualização positiva: tendemos a viver de acordo com nossas reivindicações quando as escrevemos e comprometemos com elas. Criar um CV positivo para nós nos ajuda a crescer e a se tornar como queremos ser. Levantamentos cv e pontos-chave de interesse. Essas estatísticas sobre currículos e entrevistas foram publicadas no jornal Guardian alguns anos atrás. Os números serão razoavelmente confiáveis ​​nos tempos modernos também. Os resultados da pesquisa servem para lembrar os candidatos e entrevistadores de avisos, oportunidades e aspectos críticos dos currículos e preparações e abordagens relacionadas para entrevistas de trabalho. As estatísticas também fornecem uma base para a formulação de dicas muito úteis para currículos e entrevistas de trabalho: a pesquisa descobriu que 86 dos entrevistadores pensam que os currículos e os formulários de inscrição não são totalmente verdadeiros, enquanto que, aparentemente, parece que 35 dos currículos são verdadeiramente corretos, embora ( Por algum motivo, na verdade não explicado), isso aparentemente se reduz a 23 para currículos pertencentes a mulheres com idade entre 31 a 35 anos. A fonte precisa dessas estatísticas não é clara, mas o ponto interessante que vem de tudo isso é que as pessoas que são verdadeiras e podem convencer o entrevistador como tal, se posicionarão em um grupo minoritário vantajoso, uma vez que a maioria das entrevistas envolve CVs que contenham mentiras, ou são percebidos pelos entrevistadores para fazê-lo. Então, se você quer ter uma vantagem sobre a maioria dos outros currículos e candidatos, diga a verdade. (Pelo que vale a pena isso confirma o que eu observei ao longo dos anos - um candidato sólido honesto sempre será preferido para uma estrela desonesta - a integridade é considerada um fator significativamente vital entre todos os empregadores de boa qualidade.) Parece que apenas 8 dos entrevistadores Acreditava que as qualificações acadêmicas indicavam de forma confiável o desempenho futuro no trabalho. Isso confirma que, para todos, exceto os papéis mais acadêmica-dependentes (cientistas da NASA, cirurgiões do cérebro, chefes de faculdade universitária, etc.), é importante enfatizar forças, como conquistas relevantes, capacidade e atitude, e apreciação do que é necessário para fazer uma Diferença no papel, em vez de colocar muita ênfase nas qualificações acadêmicas. Combinados com o primeiro ponto, esses achados também confirmam que mentir sobre as qualificações em um CV e ou em uma entrevista é uma coisa completamente boba, porque aparentemente a maioria dos entrevistadores não vai acreditar em você (além disso, 66 dos entrevistadores dizem que conferem qualificações profissionais E 56 verificam as qualificações académicas), e quase nenhum entrevistador considera as qualificações como o fator mais significativo de qualquer maneira. As tendências recentes - e muitos artigos de jornais e revistas - sugerem consistentemente que os empregadores buscam cada vez mais características em candidatos de trabalho que sejam atitudes, em vez de conhecimento ou qualificações. No 20º centro, os principais recrutadores profissionais (varejistas corporativos, contabilistas, empresas jurídicas, etc.) normalmente restringiriam seu recrutamento e participação de graduação para candidatos que possuíam qualificações específicas para a própria profissão. No século XXI, essas mesmas organizações agora percebem cada vez mais que: os candidatos a emprego com as melhores qualificações de responsabilidade não fazem necessariamente os melhores candidatos de trabalho de contadores com paixões e experiências e qualificações em outras disciplinas, muitas vezes fazem muito bons contadores - especialmente onde as relações com clientes e o gerenciamento de atividades São partes importantes do trabalho, um candidato que pode demonstrar uma boa experiência, conquistando coisas valiosas e sendo produtivo, e também pode demonstrar energia, compromisso, resolução de problemas, criatividade e habilidades de pessoas, etc. é muito mais provável que seja um empregado fabuloso do que Alguém que meramente possui um bom grau ou outra qualificação acadêmica. N. B. Isso não significa que você não deve se preocupar com treinamento, auto-aperfeiçoamento e busca de novas qualificações profissionais ou acadêmicas, que são úteis para o crescimento pessoal e para aumentar sua amplitude e profundidade de capacidades. O ponto é simplesmente que existem coisas muito mais importantes do que as qualificações em currículos e entrevistas. Em seguida, é um fator crucial nos currículos e entrevistas que é fácil de se preparar para: Aparentemente, 59 dos empregadores disseram ter de retirar ofertas de trabalho depois de receber referências ruins sobre candidatos bem-sucedidos. Isso significa que algumas pessoas não conseguem preparar suas referências adequadamente. Isso também significa que algumas pessoas que inicialmente não conseguiram ter uma chance de ser oferecido o trabalho porque o candidato preferido foi bastante menos do que eles alegavam ser, mas apenas é claro se as referências dos candidatos de segunda escolha são satisfatórias. Dado que alguns candidatos inicialmente bem-sucedidos são rejeitados devido a referências, haverá uma sensibilidade entre os entrevistadores para isso, e um desejo de evitar o desapontamento e o incômodo que desperdiça o tempo de receber uma referência fraca sobre um candidato escolhido. Assim, há uma oportunidade para os candidatos aumentarem a sua adequação (como percebido pelo entrevistador), ser o candidato de primeira escolha ou, na sua falta, ser um candidato de segunda escolha confiável: enfatizando a disponibilidade de boas referências confiáveis ​​no CV Levando boas referências impressas à entrevista (veja a página de letras de referência) e assegurando que os árbitros confiáveis ​​sejam preparados e capazes de fornecer referências excelentes quando solicitado pelo entrevistador, deve (quando) o trabalho ser oferecido. Portanto, não trate as referências como algo para Depois da entrevista - prepare as suas referências com antecedência - e tome as provas com você. Os resultados da pesquisa também indicam que 85 dos entrevistadores buscam referências de pelo menos um empregador anterior, o que confirma ainda a necessidade de cobrir toda essa área de forma profissional e confiável. De acordo com a pesquisa, estas são as imprecisões de CV mais comuns (presumivelmente da perspectiva dos entrevistadores): datas de emprego (duração, datas de e para) lacunas de títulos de trabalho entre qualificações de emprego e surpreendentemente, cargos diretores não declarados Isso é muito interessante porque Novamente, mostra as oportunidades para os candidatos aprimorar a confiabilidade e veracidade de seus currículos em certas áreas-chave. Isso mostra que os entrevistadores serão sensíveis e, portanto, atentos a inexatidões, omissões de distorção e cheiros engraçados em geral nessas áreas, então, novamente, seja honesto e consistente. Lembre-se de que muitas pessoas profissionais usam muito instinto no recrutamento de pessoas. Eles são, portanto, sensíveis a qualquer coisa que não pareça bem. Então, elimine todas as áreas de dúvida em sua aplicação - não espere, em vez disso, que tudo esteja bem na entrevista, porque se você criou algumas dúvidas sobre você e sua aplicação, então a oferta de trabalho provavelmente irá para alguém que seja menos de uma risco. Em que ponto, em vez de gastar o tempo tentando criar uma rede de engano credível (o que a maioria dos entrevistadores verá em algum momento de qualquer maneira, com o resultado de que sua credibilidade será disparada, juntamente com a oportunidade ou oferta de emprego), Gaste seu tempo em vez de pensar sobre o que aprendeu das coisas que você está tentando esconder e tenha orgulho de ter a coragem de ser honesto sobre seu passado. Se você mentir sobre isso, então continuará a pendurar em torno de seu pescoço como uma falha. Se você mantém sua cabeça alta e seja honesto, então você ganhará respeito e, em muitos casos, o entrevistador irá concluir que você aprendeu com sua experiência, especialmente se você explica como e por que isso é assim. Lembre-se de que muitos entrevistadores terão considerado esconder ou distorcer as coisas em seus próprios currículos. Nobodys são perfeitos e, de fato, as pessoas mais impressionantes da vida e do trabalho são geralmente aqueles que aprenderam e aceitaram suas experiências difíceis, ao invés de negar que elas já aconteceram. Seja como for, olhe para isso, faz sentido ser sincero - primeiro com você - seja orgulhoso de ter aprendido com seus erros e de ter a coragem de admiti-los. Não tente ocultar falhas, erros ou deficiências - aceitá-los, aprender com eles, procurar melhorá-los e explicar o porquê e como isso é assim. E tão importante quanto qualquer outra coisa - não deixe que as pessoas o julguem injustamente, e não trabalhem para quem faz, porque eles tornarão sua vida uma miséria. Você está sendo avaliado neste processo - mas também está avaliando seu empregador. Esteja orgulhoso. Sua integridade, honestidade e compromisso são extremamente valiosos no mundo de hoje - então trabalhe apenas para um empregador que o respeite por ter essas qualidades e não se abaixe para trabalhar para quem não o faça. Dicas de escrita cv - conceitos básicos de apresentação de modelo, estrutura A apresentação e a seqüência de itens com o seu CV são muito importantes, como é na publicidade, e a maioria das pessoas cometeu errado, o que torna mais fácil para você quando você entender. Quando você está vendendo qualquer coisa, você precisa chegar aos pontos-chave rapidamente. Quanto mais rápido o leitor pode ler e absorver os pontos-chave, mais provável será comprar. Um CV bem apresentado e bem estruturado também indica que você é profissional, profissional e bem organizado. A estrutura sugerida abaixo vende primeiro os seus pontos fortes e fornece detalhes pessoais e de história de carreira por último - a maioria das pessoas faz o contrário que tem menos impacto. Estruturando um currículo como este você pode se destacar imediatamente dos outros e fazer uma impressão muito melhor. Para todos os cargos, exceto muito altos, você deve se encaixar em seu CV de um lado da folha padrão de papel comercial. Para os grandes cargos de diretor de corporação, duas ou três folhas são aceitáveis, mas um lado único bem apresentado sempre tende a impressionar e impactar mais do que muitos detalhes espalhados por uma série de folhas. Sempre tente usar o menor número possível de palavras. Na escrita CV, como a publicidade, menos é mais. Isso significa que você precisa pensar cuidadosamente sobre as palavras que você usa - certifique-se de que cada um esteja trabalhando para você - se algum arent, remova-os ou substitua-os. Nunca use duas palavras quando alguém fará. Aqui está um modelo de CV gratuito (arquivo de documento - MSWord) - e mesmo modelo de CV para OpenOffice: modelo de CV gratuito (arquivo odt) - formato de folha única, tamanho de papel A4 do Reino Unido - no qual você pode inserir seus próprios detalhes - adaptar o modelo para Se adequar aos seus propósitos. Consulte as palavras e frases do CV abaixo para ajudá-lo a desenvolver e criar seu próprio CV especial. Aqui está o CV teachinglearning guide (pdf). Criar seus próprios modelos de currículo para usar para diferentes movimentos de carreira pode economizar tempo ao escrever currículos diferentes para diferentes tipos de empregos. Alterar as palavras e frases do CV para se adequar a diferentes tarefas é importante. Escrever e manter cópias de arquivos de seus próprios exemplos de currículos e modelos de CV podem poupar horas de trabalho e ajudá-lo a produzir um CV individualizado para cada uma das diferentes oportunidades à medida que elas surgirem. Consulte também a página da técnica de escrita neste site - explica sobre o uso de fontes (tipos de letra), cor, títulos, letras maiúsculas, posicionamento, etc. Uma pesquisa do Reino Unido pelo serviço postal Royal Mail (nos dias em que a maioria dos aplicativos de trabalho Eram de posse) de departamentos de RH em grandes organizações nos setores jurídico, varejo, mídia e contábil, identificaram esses outros indicadores de CV: os títulos de CV e CV incompletamente ou incorretamente foram rejeitados imediatamente por 83 dos departamentos de RH. Os currículos e as cartas de apresentação dirigidas a uma pessoa nomeada foram significativamente favoráveis ​​sobre aqueles dirigidos a um título genérico de trabalho por 55 dos departamentos de RH. E, curiosamente, mais de 60 dos departamentos de RH disseram que a inclusão de uma fotografia com o CV afetou negativamente sua opinião sobre o candidato. Muitos dos princípios acima e no restante desta página se aplicam aos currículos de vídeo, quando e se você fizer um. Opções de estrutura de cv Embora certos princípios de escrita de CV sejam bastante corrigidos e amplamente aceitos, algumas questões estão abertas a interpretação e são uma questão de decisão pessoal. Os principais exemplos de variação e escolha explicados nesta seção são: Ao decidir sobre estas e quaisquer outras opções estruturais, considere o propósito específico e as circunstâncias do seu CV no momento, porque isso geralmente determina a melhor maneira de estruturá-lo. Além disso, uma vez que você deveria estar usando diferentes versões de currículos para diferentes fins, tente manter um registro do que funciona melhor, para que você possa refinar um conjunto de regras que são ótimas para você e os mercados de trabalho que você está direcionando. Também procuram comentários de entrevistadores e empregadores - e qualquer outra pessoa com experiência relevante - quanto ao que pode ser melhorado em seu CV, para que você possa desenvolver progressivamente sua compreensão sobre o tipo de formatos CV mais eficazes. Os detalhes pessoais no seu cv Primeiro - as regras para isso devem ser diferentes para currículos impressos enviados através da publicação, currículos eletrônicos passados ​​para um destinatário confiável e confiável, e currículos eletrônicos e dados pessoais carregados em sites de trabalho. Em termos de currículos que você envia ou transmite para destinatários seguros e confiáveis: Você verá dos exemplos de CV e modelos que defendo detalhes pessoais abertos e de divulgação completa em um CV. Você deve decidir por si mesmo se essa abertura for apropriada para você e sua situação e a vaga. As leis de emprego, particularmente relacionadas à igualdade e discriminação (idade, gênero, etc.) têm implicações para entrevistas e seleção. Consequentemente, o requerente tem mais liberdade hoje para reter certas informações pessoais em um currículo sobre idade ou data de nascimento, estado civil, filhos ou dependentes. É inteiramente uma questão de opinião pessoal e julgamento se deve incluir tal informação. Não existe uma lei que obrigue ou impede a inclusão ou retenção no seu CV de informações pessoais sujeitas a legislação de igualdade e discriminação. No entanto, a realidade é que, embora existam leis na maioria dos países contra a discriminação, identificar e provar essa discriminação é praticamente impossível na fase de candidatura. Portanto, a única defesa inicial é reter a informação - ou torná-la um ponto de venda. O dilema para o candidato é, portanto, saber se deve ser aberto e direto sobre informações pessoais que (você teme) podem adiar um empregador - independentemente da legalidade de tal reação - ou reter as informações pessoais relevantes com a esperança de serem Short-listed para entrevista e superação de qualquer preconceito nessa fase. Em que ponto, tenha cuidado com seus pressupostos - enquanto os preconceitos obviamente existem, seus medos podem ser muito pior do que o que realmente acontece. Veja Murphys Plough, por exemplo. Outra visão é que qualquer empregador que discrimina injustificadamente contra um candidato não é digno de sua lealdade e habilidades de qualquer maneira, o que sugere que a divulgação confiante e aberta é o melhor caminho a seguir. A divulgação completa é potencialmente um filtro maravilhoso para evitar que você desperdice seu tempo com idiotas. Quem quer trabalhar para um fanático ou mesmo uma organização decente que tolere ou não reconheça um fanático em uma posição de responsabilidade. Além disso, os empregadores éticos modernos tendem a responder positivamente à abertura e, em particular, a alguém orgulhoso de sua situação pessoal e características. Há um caso para simplesmente se orgulhar de quem e o que você é - e use seu CV para dizer às pessoas o porquê. Então, se deve incluir data de nascimento ou idade em um CV (ou gênero, se não for óbvio do nome) é, em última instância, uma questão de escolha pessoal, com argumentos de qualquer maneira. Uma regra de orientação é possivelmente: se você está razoavelmente confiante e tem um nível de calma e resolução interior, e especialmente se você pode fazer reivindicações e vantagens positivas relacionadas às suas circunstâncias pessoais, então a abertura total é provavelmente a abordagem certa para você. Se você está menos confiante, ou menos capaz de escolher e escolher um empregador verdadeiramente digno, então, provavelmente, uma abordagem mais cautelosa é justificada. Em termos de currículos fornecidos ou carregados em sites de trabalho ou para destinatários menos seguros e confiáveis: conforme destacado pela grave violação de segurança em um site de grandes empregos em janeiro de 2009, expondo os dados pessoais de milhões de candidatos a emprego - considere quanto de informações pessoais você Fornecer ou incluir em qualquer CV carregado em um site. Os dados pessoais de um CV carregado ou armazenados eletronicamente são - em um grau ou outro - sujeitos a riscos de segurança por liberação acidental de dados, ou hacking deliberado e roubo de identidade. Portanto, você sempre deve adaptar o nível de detalhes pessoais que você inclui no seu CV de acordo com a segurança e confiança que você acredita ser oferecido pelo destinatário ou destino para o seu CV. (Sou grato a L Haughton, em outubro de 2007, por ter levado inicialmente a questão dos detalhes pessoais, como a data de nascimento em currículos.) Detalhes de contato e endereço - topo ou pé do cv Você verá dos exemplos de CV e modelos que eu Defender uma estrutura que coloca o endereço de contato e detalhes pessoais ao pé do CV. Isso ocorre porque os primeiros segundos vitais são melhor utilizados para transmitir suas forças pessoais cruciais e relevantes. Dado um CV e uma carta de apresentação apresentadas profissionalmente, a maioria dos empregadores assumirá que você mora em uma casa ou um apartamento de algum tipo, e tem um endereço e um número de telefone, então, o que é o problema de desperdiçar um impacto vital e precoce para transmitir esses detalhes mundanos. É particularmente o caso das vagas de emprego de nível médio e superior, quando o rastreio provavelmente será relativamente profissional e receptivo a um CV efetivo e estrategicamente apresentado. Posicionar os detalhes de contato e endereço mais baixos em um CV, de modo a dar o máximo impacto imediato a fatores mais relevantes, também é muito sensível quando você está se candidatando a uma função internamente, quando, obviamente, você já é conhecido. Há um argumento no entanto (e agradeço novamente a L Haughton por levantar esse problema) para colocar o endereço e detalhes de contato no topo do CV, para contrariar qualquer risco de o CV ser rejeitado à primeira vista porque o endereço e os detalhes de contato Não são instantaneamente óbvias para o leitor. Isso será mais um fator para as vagas de emprego júnior, em que talvez o processo de triagem seja apressado ou não profissional, o que aumentaria o risco de um CV ser rejeitado rapidamente porque os detalhes de contato e endereço não são instantâneos. Tal como acontece com a questão da abertura e divulgação de detalhes pessoais, o posicionamento de seus detalhes de contato e endereço é uma questão para seu julgamento pessoal. Se você quer uma regra de orientação, heres one: Coloque os detalhes de contato e endereço no pé do CV para vagas de emprego do meio e superior. Quando você deseja um impacto máximo para os pontos fortes do seu trabalho. Coloque seus detalhes de contato e endereço na parte superior do CV se você tem o menor sentimento de que a vaga ou o processo de triagem envolve o processamento de um grande número de aplicativos. E em que habilidades básicas e circunstâncias pessoais básicas são critérios prioritários de seleção e seleção. Nome e cv ou curriculum vitae - ou apenas seu nome no título Um ponto adicional do debate recente sobre a apresentação do CV é se incluir as palavras Curriculum Vitae ou CV (ou Currículo) no título do documento ao lado do seu nome. Este é um problema relativamente pequeno, mas interessante, que parece ultimamente virar para uma determinada tendência, que na verdade não pode ser tão útil e correta como algumas pessoas sugerem. Tal como acontece com vários outros aspectos da escrita e apresentação de CV, isso está aberto a diferentes visualizações e você pode decidir por si mesmo. Heres minha observação e orientação sobre o assunto - que basicamente é incluir CV ou Curriculum Vitae no título. Sua explicação. Nos últimos anos, surgiu uma visão elegante, sugerindo que de alguma forma é errado colocar o CV abreviado ou as palavras Curriculum Vitae (ou nos mercados americano-inglês, a palavra Currículo) no topo de um CV - tipicamente após o nome das pessoas, ou Alternativamente antes do nome. Se alguém pode me enviar qualquer evidência ou lógica sólida sobre como e por que incluir CV ou Curriculum Vitae no título do documento é inútil ou contraproducente, ficaria feliz em mostrar isso aqui. Na medida em que eu entendo a comunicação e o gerenciamento de informações baseadas em texto, não há realmente um bom motivo para excluir CV ou Curriculum Vitae do título do documento, ao passo que provavelmente há pelo menos uma boa razão para incluir um ou outro . Excluir CV ou Curriculum Vitae do título não economiza espaço, salvo se houver algo melhor para o espaço. Sujeito a usar um tamanho de fonte sensível, o que você deve, de qualquer maneira, não há economia de espaço real excluindo CV ou Curriculum Vitae do cabeçalho, já que o nome de nobodys é tão longo que não se encaixa confortavelmente em uma linha de título com as palavras Curriculum Vitae, Ou o CV abreviado. Excluir CV ou Curriculum Vitae não economiza tempo para o leitor. Não há economia de tempo real para o leitor, uma vez que o cérebro verifica tais dados periféricos de forma subliminar (abaixo de um nível consciente normal) - a menos que o leitor realmente o precise - assim como não somos conscientes dos números impressos das páginas enquanto lemos um livro ou jornal . Excluindo CV ou Curriculum Vitae é dito por alguns para reduzir o risco de irritar o entrevistador ou criador. Será que realmente é alguém lá fora, realmente irritado por este amor para saber. E deixo para você decidir se você quer trabalhar para uma organização que emprega pessoas irritadas de forma tão trivial. Excluindo CV ou Curriculum Vitae do título possivelmente pode melhorar - muito marginalmente - a apresentação visual de um CV, simplesmente com base em que o espaço em branco geralmente é útil e agradável aos olhos do leitor. Mas, então, reduziria o conteúdo do CV para cerca de 35 palavras, em um tipo de letra especialmente concebido e envolvendo um designer para o layout também, o que seria extremamente agradável aos olhos, mas o documento deixaria de ser otimamente eficaz como um CV , E este é o ponto. Um CV deve alcançar um equilíbrio entre apresentação, conteúdo e cada vez mais como os dados são gerenciados e processados. Diante disso, há talvez um par de razões positivas para incluir a abreviatura CV ou Curriculum Vitae dentro do título do documento: 1. Crucialmente, do ponto de vista do gerenciamento de dados, pesquisa de redes e busca de dados - na web como um todo, Em sites individuais, em sistemas informáticos organizacionais e em computadores pessoais e outros dispositivos de armazenamento locais - as palavras Curriculum Vitae e o CV abreviado são fundamentais para a descrição e categorização de currículos como um tipo de documento. Qualquer currículo que inclua as palavras-chave Curriculum Vitae ou o CV abreviado obviamente será encontrado com mais facilidade do que os documentos que não contêm nenhum. Excluindo as palavras Curriculum Vitae em muitos sistemas informáticos, incluindo sites, exigem que o documento seja marcado com as palavras Curriculum Vitae para que seja encontrado usando essas palavras-chave. Se um documento não inclui as palavras-chave e não é marcado como tal, não será encontrado por qualquer pessoa que esteja procurando por essas palavras-chave. Imagine um recrutador pesquisando na web ou em um site ou em um sistema local de arquivos de computador usando os termos curriculum vitae - gerente de varejo de fala francesa. Se você tem as palavras gerente de varejo de fala francesa em seu CV, mas não as palavras curriculum vitae, suas chances de serem encontradas são um pouco menores do que se seu currículo contenha as palavras curriculum vitae. Se você deseja que seu CV seja armazenado e encontrado eletronicamente, este é um ponto significativo. 2. O CV é um CV - um Curriculum Vitae - um documento muito específico para um propósito muito específico. Não é uma biografia. Não é uma página do Facebook. Não é um arquivo de pessoal ou uma nota de reunião. Não é um dos inúmeros outros tipos de documentos e arquivos que podem levar um nome de pessoa no título. Então diga o que é isso. As pessoas que defendem a exclusão do CVCurriculum Vitae do título do documento geralmente justificam esta visão de uma perspectiva restrita - que, dentro do processo de aplicação do trabalho, é óbvio que um CV é um CV. Isso é bom, e quanto a todas as outras vezes. E quanto a quando você circula ou carrega seu CV de forma especulativa - quando o contexto não é imediatamente óbvio para o leitor. The reason that humankind has developed a system of names for things - especially significant things, and definitely documents which have purpose beyond the initial obvious context - is so that items can be quickly recognized and processed in as many different systemic environments as possible. A CV is a very good example of a document which has purpose beyond initial context. It must stand alone. CVs commonly become separated from their cover-letters. They get lost in archives and saved accidentally in inappropriate file directories and folders. Identifying a CV clearly as a Curriculum Vitae or CV at the heading of the document inevitably increases its chances of being recognised and processed as one in the future, and is therefore is sensible. writing CVs with no career history or work experience The tips and examples in this article still apply if you have little or no work experience. Experience is in everything we do - especially in the most important areas such as maturity (grown-up attitudes) and emotional intelligence, communications, creativity, responsibility, determination, integrity, compassion, problem-solving, etc - these are the qualities employers really seek - so if you are leaving school or college or university and putting together your first CV, then look for the relevant transferable experiences and learning in your life experience and use these examples within the structure provided on this page. Youll not have a career history, but you can certainly illustrate and prove that you have qualities gained and learned from your life experience, that employers will recognise and want. Consider and show achievements and qualities from your life, relevant to the job, such as: leadership teamwork creativity initiative problem-solving self-motivation discipline reliability persistence and determination compassion and humanity love and care for others specific abilities with numbers, language, communications and ICT (information and communications technology - especially computing and websites), fixing and making things, selling and marketing something, etc. in non-employed situations such as: school or college projects and responsibilities part-time jobs sport voluntary work clubs caring supervising, teaching, helping young people charity work hobbies and pastimes outdoor activities holidays and travel and any other personal interests which illustrate your strengths, capabilities and passions. It is true that many employers need experienced people. Some are firm about this others can be persuaded to consider an applicant who has special qualities but no experience - it depends on the job and the needs of the employer. There are some employers who will be interested in fresh young people who are keen to learn and who are highly committed, and who can demonstrate that they possess other qualities that perhaps more experienced people do not. This is why you need to write a good letter accompanying your CV that explains clearly and concisely your strengths and values, and relevant life experience . to an employer, and then to send the letter, and follow up with phone calls to as many employers as you can. Be persistent and determined, and you will find in time find an employer who wants someone just like you. Meanwhile take advantage of every opportunity to learn and gain experience in your chosen field: join discussion groups, read journals, attend courses, lectures and exhibitions, study the newspapers and news websites business pages, perhaps work part-time for a school andor a voluntary organisation or group who need your skills. This will enable you to build useful and relevant experience that will definitely be seen as transferable to employed situations, and it will also demonstrate to employers that you are enthusiastic and willing to invest your own time in making a positive contribution to help others and to help yourself. If you are aiming at a job which asks for experience, yet you have no experience in conventional employed work, look for other examples in your life which prove that you have the right attitude and potential, and even some very relevant transferable experience, despite it not being from employed work. Many employers prefer a young candidate who can demonstrate reliability, self-motivation, drive and enthusiasm, etc. from having, for example, applied themselves for years in low-paid paper-rounds and weekend jobs, or who can show serious dedication to some other worthy activity, than applicants who have a career history but demonstrate none of the vital qualities that employers really value and seek in new recruits. writing a cv for a job to be developed or fully defined Given the fast-changing nature of work and organizations, jobs increasingly offer the chance or require candidates to suggest how the role itself might be shaped or developed or fully defined. It might be an existing role, or a new position. Either way, this is a big opportunity which you should grasp eagerly. A role that has not been fully or completely specified offers great opportunity for the successful candidate to prove theyd be able to define and shape the role to benefit the employer organization in accordance with the employers needs, aims, challenges, priorities, etc. Of course at the same time youd need to prove you can cover the statedknown essentials, but if you see or detect that role development is also on the employers wish-list, then create your CV accordingly. As regards the unknown aspects of the job (which the employer might say are to be defined, or yet to be developed), the candidate needs to show they understand how the role can operate to its fullest potential within the organization. This aspect of role defining or development invites the candidate to demonstrate on their CV that theyd be able to do just that - help re-define or develop the role. This involves more strategic interpretation than might usually be expected in the role. People who can shape their role have to be able to see outside the role and understand the role in a wider context than simply doing a stipulated job. Key attributes and abilities associated with this requirement would typically include: measurement and analysis of meaningful cause and effect - some appreciation of productive use of time and resource in an organizational context - this is really the crucial point: the capability to assess and judge the role in a future organizational (and maybe also market) context vision - appreciation of whats needed for the future how things are changing and how to meet those changes strategic awareness and interest - seeing implications of issues beyond the issues themselves objectivity, maturity, tolerance, patience, wisdom, etc - the opposite of impulsiveness - so as to use the additional responsibility wisely and fairly and ideally (which can be a clincher) show a command and knowledge of the role from a technical leading edge perspective - as if you were a specialised external consultant or expert, or perhaps a teacher or writer in the discipline, or simply someone who takes a keen interest i n the most advanced thinking associated with the role - its a matter of presenting yourself as, and being, someone who sees the positive and future implications of the role, not just the role itself. The employers ideal applicant in such situations is for an expert to join them and manage the situation like a more senior strategic manager or executive would be expected to do, given that they do not have such a person. For a job applicant its a great way to approach a job opportunity, especially if you are keen to advance. N. B. Many job vacancies offer this potential or flexibility even if the employer does not state it. All good organizations need people who can see beyond their own role people who can develop the role, and also to develop and advance as a strategic contributor within the organization. So approaching any vacancy with an eye on development and organizational context is often a good way to differentiate yourself from other applicants who limit their CV presentation to the strict confines of the job description. applying for internships and work experience placements You should approach applying for internships in much the same way as looking for a job. Therefore much of what appears on this page about CV writing and covering letters for full-time jobs and career advancement will be relevant if you are trying to find a placement for work experience or an internship. The tips and ideas on the job interviews section are also relevant to seeking and applying for and successfully gaining internships and work experience placements. Its essential to research prospective internship employers. And plan this well in advance. People who leave things until the last minute reduce their options, and increase the amount of competitive pressures involved. Also, planning and researching early in the process will maximise the chances of identifying and securing the best placements. Employers will be impressed by people who have clearly planned ahead of the rest. Employers will not be impressed by those whove obviously left things late. Be creative about the way you research your employer market sector(s). First decide on the sector(s), and what you want to do. Do you define your target sector(s) vertically - according to vertical markets, such as retail, solicitors, accountants, charities, healthcare, transport, sports, leisure, etc. or do you prefer to define your target employers horizontally - according to services and professions that are used across all industries, such as administration, sales, financial, legal, creative, production, quality management, business management, human resources, training and development, etc Or perhaps a combination of the two, for example, I want to get an internship as a HR person in a charity, or as a production designer in a hi-tech manufacturing company However you define your target sector, its important to do so, because this gives you something specific to aim at. Clarity here is extremely valuable. Clear aims have a much greater chance of being met than fuzzy or indeterminate ideas. This is because we can build an action plan around a clear aim. We cant build a plan around a vague idea. The action plan starts with researching your target market or sector, however you define it. Focusing on a defined sector helps because certain economies of scale come into effect: commonalities exist between similar organisations and situations which save our time and enable efficient use of our efforts. We can get into a groove and a mind-set that will work in lots of similar situations. Being vague and having no focus makes it impossible to derive these advantages. Variety might be the spice of life, but its not helpful in putting together a targeted action plan, where focus, consistency, familiarity, knowledge, expertise and professionalism are the important criteria for success. Research is relatively easy using the internet - but remember the phone as well, especially when you locate a contact who might guide you. Try to identify the focal points where information is gathered and disseminated for your target sector(s). Most vertical industry sectors - and professions - are represented by at least one trade association or professional body or institute. Large sectors will be represented by many different trade associations, bodies and institutes - each of which represents a sub-sector or niche within the main sector. Each representative body will generally have a trade magazine or journal, and also probably a website. These pivotal points will enable you to find out most of what you need to know so as to identify prospective internships (and employers). Use the phone to talk to people in these organisations - editors and secretaries are very knowledgeable and many are very helpful. Try to network and seek referrals from contacts, each time asking politely for help - just be honest and courteous about what you are trying to achieve and many people will be extremely helpful. Accept the fact that you will find yourself barking up the wrong tree on a few occasions - no problem - move onto the next point of contact. Sooner or later you will find what you seek. What you seek of course is of course a good list of potential employers (and relevant contact details) who fit your criteria. Your criteria will extend beyond market sector and job function. Geography, organisation size, market position, style and culture might also feature in your ideal profile of an internship organisation. Again, define and describe to yourself what you are seeking - an employer profile - and use your research sources to compile a list of the organisations that meet it. Researching individual organisations on the internet and by telephone, and by requesting details from them (sales brochures, annual reports, etc) helps to build up a feel of the market and or professional sector early on, and this individually focused research is very beneficial later in the process when you begin to tighten your specification and list of prospective employers. This detailed research will directly improve your written approach, and you performance at interview. When approaching organisations for internships or work experience placements, resist the temptation to send out lots of emails. Letters are best. Emails give a far lower rate of response than letters. Letters have to be opened, but emails dont, and many are binned as junk or spam. Follow the principles on this page to write and send the most impressive CV and cover-letters possible. Its not necessary to have had loads of work experience to create a great-looking impressive CV. See the notes above about writing CVs with little or no work experience. See also the tips on business writing and also the techniques for writing introductory sales letters. which all relates to the process you are undertaking. Remember, you are selling yourself. For that matter you should also look at the sales training page too, which contains a lot of useful guidance about identifying what people want and developing a proposition to meet those needs, both of which are central to what you are doing. Telephoning before writing is a good idea. This enables you to qualify the good opportunities and remove the no-hopers. Phone the PA (personal assistant) of the decision-maker, so as to make the introduction, to ask about and qualify the opportunity and process of application and selection, and ask them to look out for your letter. If you are referred to another person or department go with their flow unless you are convinced its taking you to the wrong place. Carrying out telephone follow-up to the PAs, and your overall persistence after youve sent your letters and CVs, will also greatly improve your success. Also helpful is networking (asking contacts for referrals and suggestions about other opportunities) to find the opportunities that best suit your capabilities and aspirations. Networking among smaller business in the same sector can be very effective and would be a useful tactic for example if you wanted to find a placement in a small firm situated nearby or connected with lots of similar providers. Many owners and directors know each other well and are often quite happy to refer you elsewhere. Just because firms compete with each other does not prevent them from referring this sort of interest between themselves when asked. So ask. Editors of trade journals will often have a good idea of who are the biggest graduate recruiters and who offer most internships within certain sectors. Research can be as easy or difficult as you make it. Try to find the people who know most about what you want to discover and seek their help. When it comes to sending letters and CVs to your selected organisations, writing personalised letters that explain why youd like to work for the particular practice gives you a significant advantage over other people who send out an obvious mailshot-type letter, oriented to nobody in particular. Emphasise what you can do for the employer and your passion for the field or profession or industry, rather than being seen only to seek what they can do for you. Be flexible on fees and salary rates. Depending on your circumstances and the significance of the opportunity you might even offer to work for minimum wage or for free. Its called delaying gratification or investing in your future and under certain circumstances its a very effective technique. Good employers will in any event generally pay a fair rate irrespective of what you ask for, and theyll typically be very impressed by people who love their field so much that they are prepared to make personal sacrifices as an investment towards learning and experience. Everybodys got to have a first internship somewhere. My advice is, hey, if you can find any way to afford it, try to work for free somewhere. Do anything to work in your field. (Richard Hieb, astronaut, from from The Internship Bible, 2003 Edition by Mark Oldman and Samer Hamadeh, as referenced by The Princeton Review.) Enthusiasm and passion and commitment go a very long way with high quality employers. The decision-makers you will meet in these organisations usually love their work and their chosen field. Theyve become successful because of their passion and determination. The best employers want to employ interns who demonstrate this same level of commitment. curriculum vitae template presentation and style Irrespective of style and design, above all the presentation of your CV needs to be high quality and clear and professional and up-to-date . This means not using poor quality photo-copies. Original prints are best. This applies to letters as well. Photocopies and documents that have obviously been mass-produced imply that the sender is throwing lots of mud at the wall and hoping some will stick. This makes the recipient or interviewer feel like you dont care much where you end up, and that you dont have a particular reason for wanting to join their organisation, which is the opposite impression that you need to be making. Poor quality photocopies reflect on your own quality. Scruffy unprofessional documents will be interpreted as a sign that the sender is scruffy and unprofessional. Old CVs that are dated several months ago, or a photocopied letter with a blank space in which the sender writes the date in biro, will suggest that you are not up-to-date nor well-organised, and also that youve been looking for a job (obviously without success) for some while. On the other hand, pristine professional-looking documents on good quality paper stock (100 gsm minimum ideally) will signify that you are professional, and also that you can be trusted to communicate appropriately and professionally when and if you end up working for the organisation concerned. CVs and letters with current dates, that are purpose-written (tailored) for the recipient, will suggest that you are recently available, selective, focused, and also that you have logical reasons for believing that a good fit exists between you and the employer, all of which weighs heavily in your favour. So: high quality, clear, professional and up-to-date CVs and letters are vital. According to research the inclusion of a photograph of yourself is more likely to have a negative effect than a positive one, but I guess that depends on what you look like and also how the reader responds to the way you look, which is not an exact science at all. Until photographs become the expected norm, if ever they do, unless you have a very good reason to include a photo then its probably best not to. If you are asked to include a photograph of yourself, as certain jobs require, then ensure you go about this professionally. Have a decent photograph taken by someone who knows what they are doing. Definitely resist any temptation to use a snap taken at the pub, or a picture of you dressed up as Father Christmas or just about to climb the north face of the Eiger. One in twenty interviewers might respond well to a zany picture, but most will be rather wary: getting shortlisted generally depends on your seeming like a good fit, not looking like you could be an oddball. If you want to convey that you are free-minded or possess great individuality or creative strength, then use the descriptions and evidence in your CV to demonstrate this. No-one relies on a picture. Clear and clean and professional does not always necessarily mean 10pt black font on 100gsm standard business stock paper, but be mindful that the farther you stray from convention the greater risk you run that the reader will take exception to the style. No-one ever threw out a great looking CV because it looked too professional and business-like. Of course certain industries - marketing, advertising, media, the arts-related sectors - are more amenable towards unorthodox presentation and design, but use your judgement. If in doubt keep it simple and professional. Gimmicks and wackiness might initially grab attention, but most employers, even if the job requires a high level of creativity, are seeking reliable professional people they can manage, rather than someone who looks like they could be too strange. Use creative design with care. Make sure you are happy the situation really warrants a strong display of creative individuality before you reach for the holographic film and glitter. cv file format This is obviously important if uploading your CV to a website, or sending via email, or conveying your CV in digitalelectronic format. Use a file format which is most accessible to most people. Docx files are not accessible to everyone. (Docx files cannot be opened by old versions of MSWord). Doc files are therefore more accessible to most people than docx files. Pdf is arguably the most accessible and safest format. (Pdf files can generally be opened by everyone - using Adobe Acrobat Reader - and also the pdf format remains consistent when opened, unlike doc and other word processor files, which are often affected by fonts and settings on the recipients computer.) The excellent open source office equivalent OpenOffice. org enables easy conversion from doc to pdf, although other methods exist. Consider file format from the view of your target audiencereader and choose a format by which the recipient will be able to access your CV easily and reliably. As a general rule, the more complexunusual your codefonts in your CV, then the more it will make sense to use a pdf file format. Another consideration is that unless you protect with a password, word processor files like doc and docx can be altered by the recipient. It is very much more difficult to alter a pdf file. This robustness of a pdf is a further reason for choosing pdf format. In certain sectors (media, marketing, design, etc) pdf files will be recognised as a more appropriate presentation format, which inevitably reflects as a subtle advantage for anyone demonstrating that theyve chosen to use the pdf format in presenting their CV. As ever - for the presentation of any important information to a specifically targeted reader - ask what file format they prefer. curriculum vitae template - structure (Other than Title, use these sub-headings or similar) Simply your name followed by the word or CV or Curriculum Vitae (Resume is used more in the USA). Personal Profile (andor Attributes) Five to seven high impact statements that describe you. These are effectively your personal strengths. Be bold, confident and positive when you construct these key statements. Orientate the descriptions to the type of job you are seeking. If you have a serious qualification and its relevant, include it as the final point. Look at the examples shown to see how these statements use powerful words and professional business vocabulary. See the examples of CV words and phrases below. Experience (andor Specialisms or Capabilities) This is not your career history. Its a bullet points description of your experience andor your capabilities. Make sure you orientate these simple statements to meet the requirements of the reader, in other words ensure the experiencestrengths are relevant to the type of jobresponsibility that you are seeking. Again try to use powerful statements and impressive language - be bold and check that your chosen language and descriptions look confident and positive. If you are at the beginning or very early stage of your career you will not have much or any work experience to refer to, in which case you must refer to other aspects of your life experience - your college or university experience, your hobbies, social or sports achievements, and bring out the aspects that will be relevant to the way you would work. See the notes for writing CVs with no work experience. Prospective employers look for key indicators of integrity, enthusiasm, passion, determination, initiative, creativity, originality, organisational ability, planning, cost-management, people-skills, technical skill, diligence, reliability, depending on the job so find examples of the relevant required behaviours from your life, and encapsulate them in snappy, impressive statements. Go for active not passive descriptions, i. e. where you are making things happen, not having things happen to you. See the examples of CV words and phrases below. High impact descriptions of your major achievements. Separate, compact, impressive statements. Ensure you refer to facts, figures and timescales - prospective employers look for quantitative information - hard facts, not vague claims. These achievements should back up your Personal Profile claims earlier - they are the evidence that you can do what you say. Again they must be relevant to the role you are seeking. See the examples of CV words and phrases below. A tight compact neatly presented summary of your career history. Start with the most recent or present job and end with the first. Show starting and finishing years - not necessarily the months. Show company name, city address - not necessarily the full address. Show your job title(s). Use a generally recognised job title if the actual job title is misleading or unclear. If you have little work experience you can combine Career history into one section. See the separate notes about writing CVs where there is very little or no actual career history. See also the examples of CV words and phrases below. In most markets including the UK, modern employment discrimination law has reduced the need and expectation for many personal details relating to age, ethnicity, marital status, etc, to be included in a CV. Aside from obviously necessary contact details, the level of personal detail you must include is now optional. This is a particular consideration if you are posting or allowing your CV to appear on the web, where privacy can more easily be invaded, or identities stolen. Therefore be cautious and sensible about how much personal detail you show in a CV. See the notes about CV personal details. Potentially this section enables sub-headings to provide details of full name, sex (if not obvious from your name), address, phone, email, date of birth, marital status, number of children and ages if applicable, driving licence (hopefully clean - if not state position), education (school, college, university and dates), qualifications, and emphasise clearly that references are available. Keep all this information very tight, compact and concise. Being at a more advanced stage of your career is another reason for reducing the amount of personal details shown, as some will be implicit or not relevant. On the other hand, there is an argument for giving as much detail as possible for senior positions as an indication of confidence. As for some other debatable aspects of what to include, it is your decision, and one probably best made considering the precise circumstances of the CVs purpose and likely exposure. The best position for your address and contact details is a matter of debate. Many people suggest these should be at the top of the CV below the heading, however this template structure recommends that they be shown lower down the CV in the personal details section. See the notes on where to put CV contact and address details. Its your decision - there are arguments both ways. Date the CV, and save as a file with some indication of what type of job it was orientated for, as you should ideally develop a number of different versions of your CV. Education and Qualifications Depending on the person and the job vacancy and the employers expectations it is often better to show education and qualifications in a separate section, rather than within the Personal Details, as a way of giving them greater emphasis and clarity. If so then this section can be placed after or before the Personal Details, or given higher prominence if the situation warrants it. The level of detail and type of detail in this section should change as your career progresses. For example your schoolcollege exams subjects and grades would be highly relevant when you are seeking your first job, but after working for 5-10 years, especially if youve achieved further training and qualifications, your schoolcollege qualifications warrant far less detail and prominence. As ever,,include and emphasise details according to the jobs you are seeking, and what the employers will find most relevant and useful. cv sample writing example 1 Structure can be varied. These are examples. Refer to the appropriate notes on this webpage to understand more about the reasons for using different structures and positions for certain details within a CV. Particularly: personal details - contactaddress details - and whether to include CV or Curriculum Vitae in the heading. Bill Bloggs - Curriculum Vitae Experienced and innovative general manager with sophisticated sales, customer service and business administration skills. High personal integrity, and able to relate to and create trust in all. Highly articulate, confident and persuasive team-builder, able to motivate and communicate to achieve exceptional business performance. Dependable and reliable in supporting and enabling team effort to produce genuine long-term sustainable development. Persistent and flexible approach to the mutually beneficial achievement of business plans and personal goals of staff, suppliers and customers. Honours degree in Mechanical Engineering. Over 20 years proven expertise in industrial purchasing, manufacturing, logistics, business development, marketing, sales and service. Background in a wide range of industries, including construction, plant hire, pharmaceutical, hygiene services and industrial process control. Executive accountability for PampL, strategic planning, staffing, and sales development etc. for a pound60m international technology business, in a pound3bn UK plc. International General Operations Manager since (year). Management of change within the demanding and pressurised business environment. Implementation of modern management practices, concerning personnel, IT, reporting systems, and partnership customer-supplier relations, etc. As production control executive with XYZ Corporation introduced pc-based systems to reduce lead-times from 7 months to 3 days, and inventory by 80 from pound4.7m to pound750k. As materials manager with ABC Inc. introduced systems to reduce lead-times from 3 months to 7 days, and inventory from pound6m to pound2.5m, and 12 reduction in pound12m procurement costs. As operations manager with Newco Inc. a 10 reduction in pound7m procurement costs. As general manager for Bigco Int. business achieved growth from pound800k to pound5m, increased new customer growth from 20 to 600 per annum. (yr-yr) - Early career development with Newco Inc. Bigco Int. Mainco plc. (yr-yr) - ABC Inc. International Operations Manager. (yr-present) - XYZ Corp. General Manager. Bill J. Bloggs (address) Tel: 0123 456 78901 Born: (date) This is entirely optional given age discrimination laws. Educated: Sidmouth School (yr-yr), and Hertstone College (yr-yr), Southtame College 1984, and University of Wales (yr-yr). (Again dates are not obligatory due to age discrimination laws.) References are available on request. (date - monthyear of creating cv) N. B. This example CV is fictional so content is random. Ensure your facts and dates, etc. in your CV are all consistent with the content, and any gaps are explained as positively as possible. You can try different CV variations on the theme - provided you stick to the main principles develop a structure to suit your own situation and what the reader is looking for. A lot will depend on the type and level of position you are applying for generally the more senior, the more focus will be on serious evidence of achievement in corporate life, and less on personal profile and personal details. A CV doesnt need to be long or detailed - it needs to show evidence that you offer relevant and impressive skills and experience. Here is another example CV: cv sample writing example 2 John Smith - Curriculum Vitae Executive accountability for corporate performance and profit. Strategic management in a variety of major B2B corporations. Management of extensive marketing services and sales organizations. Overseas business operations and management - Far East, Europe, USA. New business development, start-up and trouble-shooting. B2B Sales and Marketing. Sales organization development. Export and international trade development. Online and Internet business development. (yr-present) - Great Co plc - sales and marketing director (yr-yr) - XYZ Inc - sales director (yr-yr) - Good Co plc - operations manager, director (yr-yr) - ABC plc - sales manager Responsibilities and achievements Great Co plc Sales and Marketing Director of pound800m industrial services market leader, comprising 300,000 customers, 12 regional service centres, large call-centre, and 500 sales and marketing staff. Increased sales by 125 and gross margins by 10 (yr-yr). Increased market share from 12 in (yr) to current 27. Successful establishment of overseas distribution in Eastern Europe and USA in (yr-yr), creating extra pound75m business. Developed and launched new E-Trade online business, representing 50,000 customers and pound55m revenues producing 14 net profit by (yr). Queens Award for Exports (yr). XYZ Inc Sales Director of architectural and construction products market leader, comprising 120 sales staff, 15,000 customers, 4,000 products and pound220m sales, generating 12 net profit. Increased sales by 75 during tenure. Automated all sales ordering and delivery processes producing 20 cost savings after 2 year investment recovery. Opened new overseas markets in Middle East and China (joint venture), (yr-yr), producing pound45m new business at 13 net profit annually. Good Co plc Operations Manager and later director, of market leading micro-electronics controls systems supplier, comprising three home and seven overseas European service centres, 130 technical and service staff, 1,200 customers, including over 300 government and defence departments and installations. Rationalised parts and processes (yr-yr) improving trading margins by 10. Introduced new recruitment and training procedures reducing staff turnover from 35 to 20. Implemented new integrated systems for supply, installation and servicing activities, saving 25 costs pa. Negotiated successful contracts for several royal palaces and ministerial offices, home and overseas. Education and Qualifications Abbey Road Comprehensive, London - (yr-yr) University of East Anglia - (yr-yr) - BSc in Economics Open University - (yr-yr) - MBA John Smith (address) Tel 01234 567 8901 References are available on request. (date of writing CV) N. B. This example CV is fictional contains inconsistent random example data. Ensure that your facts and dates, etc. in your CV are all consistent with the content, and any gaps are explained as positively as possible. The inclusion of dates which would give clear indication of age are not obligatory in CVs, due to age discrimination laws. Increasingly, similar principles apply to other aspects of potential discrimination. Refer to the explanations elsewhere on this page about personal details in CVs. cv cover letters samples CV cover letters must be very professional and perfectly presented. Use a smart good quality letterheaded paper, and ensure that the name and address details and date are correct and personal for the recipient of the CV. Do not use scruffy photocopies - ideally do not use photo-copies at all - CV cover letters should look individual and special for the job concerned. Look at what the job advert is seeking. Ensure that the key skills, attributes and experience are reflected in the cover letter as well as your CV. Draw the readers attention to the fact that your profile fits their requirements. Make the cover letter look like a special and direct response to the job advert and personal profile that is sought. These principles broadly apply and adapt perfectly well for expressing interest in or applying for internal vacancies within your existing employment organization. Keep CV cover letters brief and concise. The reader will make assumptions about you from what you write and how you write it and the quality of your cover letter presentation. As with any communications, ensure you include key words and phrases which reflect what the reader is seeking. sample cv cover letter Ensure you lay the letter out neatly on your own good quality letterheaded paper, with your own address top right or centre-top. Avoid fancy fonts and upper case (capital letters). Use a single font 10-12pt size, maybe bold or underlined for the reference or heading if you use one. Full name and address details. Reference if required. Dear (MrMrsMs Surname) (optional heading, bold or underlined - normally the job title and or reference if theyve asked you to quote one) I enclose my CV in respect of the above vacancyposition (or state position advertised and when it appeared). You will see that I have the required skills, capabilities and experience for this position, notably (state two or three attributes briefly). I look forward to hearing from you. (And below print your name - not hand-written) cv cover letters for unadvertised positions or opportunities It is perfectly fine to send a speculative CV to potential employers, i. e. not in response to any advert. In this case you should obtain the name of the senior person responsible for staffing decisions in the area you wish to apply. (Call the company to find out the correct name and address details of the relevant person.) In these cases obviously you wont know precisely what skills they are seeking, but you should be able to imagine the attributes that they might need. Here are some examples - include two or three in your cover letter that best match your own profile and their likely interest: reliable and dependable decisive and results-driven creative problem-solver team-player technically competentqualified (state discipline or area) commercially experienced and aware task-orientated excellent inter-personal and communications skills sound planning and organizational capabilities loyal and determined speculative sample cv cover letter sample Again, ensure you lay the letter out neatly on your own good quality letterheaded paper, with your own address top right or centre-top. Avoid fancy fonts and upper case (capital letters). Use a single font, maybe bold or underlined for the reference or heading if you use one. Full name and address details. Dear (MrMrsMs Surname) (optional heading, bold or underlined - in this example you would normally refer to a job title, and include with the word opportunities or openings, for example: commercial management opportunities) I am interested in any openings in the above area and enclose my CV. You will see that I have skills and capabilities that enable me to make a significant contribution to an organization such as your own, notably (state two or three attributes briefly). I look forward to hearing from you. (And below print your name - not hand-written) As you can see, CV cover letters can be short and very concise. Cover letters need to be short and very concise, otherwise people wont read them. Writing a short concise, hard-hitting cover letter for CV also shows confidence and professionalism. The bigger the job, the longer you can make your CV cover letters, but even cover letters for board level positions have more impact if they are very short and concise. Make your key points in a no-nonsense fashion and then finish. Keep your CV and cover letter simple. Your CV and cover letter must be concise and easy to read. Your CV and your cover letter must sell you, must be tailored to what the reader is looking for. cv writing examples and samples of descriptions, phrases and words Here are some samples and examples of descriptive phrases and words for writing impressive and professional CVs. And here is a free CV template (doc file - MSWord). and for OpenOffice: free CV template (odt file) - single sheet format, UK A4 paper size - into which you can insert your own details. Adapt it to suit your purposes. I can get my own CV onto a single sheet side of A4, so I reckon most of you should be able to keep your CV to a side of A4 too. Believe me, interviewers and recruiting employers will thank you for it. Plus it shows that you know how to communicate a complex series of facts quickly, concisely, persuasively, and effectively. Ensure that when you use or adapt or combine any of these descriptions that you are able to back up your claims under questioning at interview, and ideally to provide examples or evidence if asked. This is an easy thing to prepare and get right, and will give you a huge advantage over people who fail to approach their CV and job-search in this way. As a general guide, try to blow your own trumpet in your CV. Dont be shy. Be bold. Use strong professional-looking phrases in describing your personality, capabilities, experience and achievements. One or two other people competing for the same job will be doing just this, so be fair to yourself and ensure you do it too. Cut and paste, mix and match, copy and use from the examples below what works for you and makes you feel comfortable - and which provides a description that gives you something to aim at and that youll be proud to live up to. For each statement that you use, ask yourself the question that the interviewer might ask: . Your CV says that you are whatever description - Can you give me an example of this in your work experience. and make sure you can think of a really good answer which provides evidence and proof of your description. Note that some phrases below are connected with dashes or semi-colons. This is a semi colon it separates two or more related pieces of information typically short phrases, while keeping them in the same sentence. Its a longer pause than a comma a bit less less than a full-stop or period in the US. Use punctuation in a varied professional way to illustrate your ability with written communications. Many people lack the confidence or knowledge to use semi-colons. Try to use them. Someone reading your CV who appreciates good written language skills will notice the use of a semi-colon and infer from it something positive about the writer. Its all part of the presentation. Every little edge helps. Ensure your grammar and punctuation format is consistent. For example, in bullet points, either use full-stops or dont use them. Decide on a format and apply it consistently. Same with capital letters at the start of bullet points - either use them or dont - avoid mixing the grammar format. These days grammatical tolerance is quite flexible - no-one will criticise you for using or failing to use full stops or capital letters in bullet points - the important thing is to be consistent. Same applies with headings, bold type, and underlines: decide on a format and use it consistently. This helps keep your presentation style simple, clear, tidy and professional. Mix and match words and phrases to project yourself . and also to reflect what your believe the job requires and what the employer and interviewer are particularly seeking . cv words and phrases examples - personal profile, capabilities, etc results-driven, logical and methodical approach to achieving tasks and objectives determined and decisive uses initiative to develop effective solutions to problems reliable and dependable - high personal standards and attention to detail methodical and rigorous approach to achieving tasks and objectives entrepreneurial and pro-active - strong drive and keen business mind identifies and develops opportunities innovates and makes things happen good strategic appreciation and vision able to build and implement sophisticated plans determined and decisive uses initiative to meet and resolve challenges strives for quality and applies process and discipline towards optimising performance extremely reliable and dependable - analytical and questioning, strives for quality methodical approach to planning and organising - good time-manager excellent interpersonal skills - good communicator, leadership, high integrity strong plan ning, organising and monitoring abilities - an efficient time-manager self-driven and self-reliant - sets aims and targets and leads by example good interpersonal skills - works well with others, motivates and encourages high integrity, diligent and conscientious - reliable and dependable self-aware - always seeking to learn and grow seeks new responsibilities irrespective of reward and recognition emotionally mature and confident - a calming influence detailed and precise fastidious and thorough decisive and results-driven creative problem-solver good starter - enthusiastic in finding openings and opportunities creative and entrepreneurial networker - effective project coordinator reliable and dependable in meeting objectives - hard-working emotionally mature calming and positive temperament tolerant and understanding seeks and finds solutions to challenges - exceptionally positive attitude great team-worker - adaptable and flexible well-organised good planner good time-manager seeks new responsibilities and uses initiative self-sufficient solid approach to achieving tasks and objectives determined and decisive excellent interpersonal skills - good communicator, high integrity energetic and physically very fit quick to respond to opportunities and problems active and dynamic approach to work and getting things done financially astute - conversant with accounting systems and principles tactical, strategic and proactive - anticipates and takes initiative systematic and logical - develops and uses effective processes good listener - caring and compassionate critical thinker - strong analytical skills accurate and probing good researcher - creative and methodical - probing and resourceful facilitative project manager develops and enables group buy-in persistent and tenacious sales developer comfortable with demanding targets resilient and and thorough - detached and unemotional completer-finisher checks and follows up - immaculate record-keeper team-player - loyal and determined technically competentqualified state discipline or area, to whatever standard or level task-oriented - commercially experienced and aware excellent inter-personal and communications skills sound planning and organizational capabilities results oriented - focused on productive and high-yield activities tolerant and understanding - especially good with young childrenelderly peopleneedy peopledisadvantaged people, etc emotionally mature - calming and positive temperament - compassionate and caring sensitive and patient interpersonal and communication skills high integrity and honesty ethical and socially aware energetic and positive outlook, which often inspires others calm, reliable and dependable in meeting objectives - logical and numerate seeks and finds good outcomes to challenges adaptable and flexible well-organised planner and scheduler effective and selective in use of communications technologies Obviously this list is not exhaustive. Hopefully the examples provide some ideas around which you can develop your own descriptions. Select words and phrases, and develop statements that emphasise your strengths and capabilities and that reflect the requirements of the job, interviewer and employer . Use punctuation and conjunctions (words that join words or word-strings, and being the most obvious example) to form elegant statements that look well-balanced and are easy to read. Select, adapt and compose your statements with care. Get help and feedback (from positive people) to help you produce statements that really work well for you. experience - examples and samples of descriptions, phrases and words When describing your experience and achievements, select examples that are relevant to the the job vacancy, and relevant to the manner in which the employer requires the job be performed. Not all experience statements (or any of them, in the case of young people at the start of their careers) need to be work-based. Look for non-work experience in other parts of your life that provides evidence of what the employer is seeking. Construct your experience phrases so that they will demonstrate experience and capabilities that are relevant to employers job requirements. Create a list of 5-7 key activities which closely match the employers needs for the job, and for which you can demonstrate competence. Decide what activities are relevant to you and the role, and then create phrases which add context and scale to whichever of these basic activities you choose to feature. For example, if we take the activity planning, heres a phrase which attaches some context and scale, in this case for a telesales manager: Planning and budgeting annual sales department activities for 10 telesales people. Or for Managing, training and developing: Management, training and development of a consumer telesales team - 15 staff, 3,000 customers, pound3m revenues. Or, for example, if the role requires initiative and determination, and you have no work experience: Conception and implementation of major fund-raising initiative for (whatever cause) raising (value) in (timescale). If you have no direct business or work-related experience for a particular area, then look for non-work experience in other parts of your life that provides evidence of what the employer is seeking. If you think about it you will find some. Employers will be looking for experience-type evidence in some of these areas, depending on what the job requires. Think about what the employer needs in the job. The job advert often provides good indicators if it is well worded. Structure your experience statements in the sequence that you think reflects the priority in which the employer requires or sees them. planning monitoring and recording and reporting communicating working effectively in a team implementing and completing resolving and solving problems and challenges working under pressure and meeting demanding deadlines dealing with customers - internal and external dealing with suppliers and partners and associates supervising others and activities checking and policing researching and exploring analysing and investigating coordinating activities and work listening, understanding, empathising, helping and solving scheduling creating designing and developing controlling quality and testing carrying out processes and procedures using systems and tools operating equipment and tools reliably and safely operating and implementing procedures initiating and instigating developing and coaching and mentoring others teaching and training others decision-making negotiating and mediating interpreting and translating situations, needs, demands, etc - not just words and language managing activitie s directing activities determining direction, policy and strategy Scale indicators for CV descriptions which could be attached to the above activities would be for example: number of staff geographical territory number of accounts annual turnover or revenue annual cost budgets plant or asset value size of location or site number of departments number of locations international coverage number of distributors or customers value of business number of products number or scale of developments timings and work or project duration throughput or output speed of operation or turn-around travel or coverage cycle time or churn or turnover (replacement) rate or percentage Context indicators which could be attached to the experience activities descriptions could be for example: industry sector or segment or niche (eg, Automotive, consumer servicing and repairs) business-to-business (B2B) or consumer (some people recognise this as B2C) type of organisation - private company, public company, institu tional, not-for-profit, etc other organisational descriptions organisational culture, structure, management style (be positive - not blaming or critical) area or region type department or division precise work or job function product or services descriptions expertise and quality standards and levels market position and share competitive position trends - increasing, reducing, declining, mature, developing, etc distribution model maturity of business or sector other factors, pressures, growth, etc Examples of non-work experiences that can be used as a basis of relevant and impressive experience, instead of work-related experiences: voluntary work fund-raising grants and funding applications committee membership of societies and clubs organising things - at school, college, university, local community campaigning for a cause collecting things making things running a part-time business teaching and helping people caring for people creating things - art, writing, photography, sculpture, e tc languages sports and fitness games and competitions organising events and outings entertaining and performing computers and telecoms music and singing theatre and dance local politics and trade union activitiesresponsibilities becoming expert and accumulating knowledge in anything reading travel thinking and philosophising meditating and religious pursuits overcoming personal difficulties (see disabilities and difficulties below) - turn these to a positive advantage and statement of determination, experience and emotional maturity cv examples of achievements A CV looks very impressive if it includes a few quantified and relevant achievements - evidence about you and your capabilities that relate to what the interviewer is seeking, and what the job role requires. Not all achievements (or any of them, in the case of young people at the start of their careers) need to be work-based. Refer to the list of non-work experiences above for ideas about non-work achievements too. Describing your relevant and impressive achievements on your CV is therefore a great opportunity for you: to show that you understand what the job requires - in terms of activities, behaviour and style (by the key aspects of your achievements that you include in your CV) to show that you understand the relative importance and priority of the requirements of the role (by the achievements you list and the sequence in which you list them) to provide evidence that you fit the job and person specification - that youve done the things they need to be done, or similar things . in the past (achievements are evidence the interviewer needs to see) to provide evidence that you have the personal characteristics that the role requires (achievements with suitable scale and context and wording imply personal characteristics) Employers recruiting for any type of job want to find people who are a safe bet people who have a proven and impressive track record andor with evidence of appropriate capabilities, style, attitude and potential. Employers dont like taking risks. Interviewers and recruitment decision-makers want to get the best person for the vacancy, but they also want to protect their personal reputation by avoiding making recruitment mistakes, which means minimising risk. Therefore the more evidence you can provide that you will be a reliable and safe choice, and a very low-risk appointment, the better. Showing impressive, well-worded achievements, that indicate you have the sort of capabilities, experience and personality to match the employers needs, greatly increases your chances of being short-listed and progressing through the interview process. It is also important to attach scale and context to your achievements statements. Refer to the scale and context criteria lists above. Achievements need to include size, scale and value factors so that the interviewer can assess them properly. Scales enables measurement and assessment. Woolly, vague statements without scale are nowhere near as impressive as statements with clear hard facts and figures. Context helps explain the claim, and helps position the statement as being relevant to the job vacancy, and the characteristics that the interviewer and employer are seeking. Context simply means the situation. As ever, you must ensure you can back-up and be prepared to provide evidence in support of your achievements statements and descriptions. Think about achievements youve attained in the past and identify the ones which match or relate to the requirements of the new job. A relevant achievement does not have to be in the same industry or even from a work situation. A relevant achievement is evidence of relevant capability, style, personality, attitude, knowledge or potential. Then having identified some achievements that might serve your purpose, think about how to word them so that they put the main points across using as few words as possible. Choose the 3-5 best, most relevant and most impressive. Put yourself in the interviewers shoes. Ask yourself, If I were recruiting someone for this vacancy, what sort of achievements would I want to see in CV of the successful applicant Remember, not all achievements in a CV (or any of them, in the case of young people at the start of their careers) need to be work-based. Obviously if you have examples of some impressive work achievements that fit well with the new employers requirements then use them, however you might have some impressive achievements outside of work which relate strongly to what the employer is seeking. Pense nisso. Ask friends for some feedback if you find it difficult to think about yourself in this way. Everyones got some impressive things about their own background which can be worded to form impressive achievements in their CV. Employers are seeking evidence of behavioural and attitudinal characteristics, not just work skills, responsibilities and projects. Bringing up a young family and looking after the home is an achievement. Overcoming a disability or personal difficulty is an achievement, and many employers would regard this as hugely valuable and meaningful experience. For certain types of job vacancies these particular achievements, suitably worded, would strike a powerful chord with the interviewer. These days, life skills, emotional intelligence and maturity, tolerance, wisdom, triumph through adversity, and other good character indicators, are much sought-after attributes. In some cases more sought-after than job-skills and specific work experience. If you possess any of these attributes, then incorporate them as experiences or achievements into your CV. For many of the best employers these characteristics are more significant than qualifications. Everyone can get qualifications - but not everyone is a proper grown-up rounded person. (Grown-up here means emotionally mature and well balanced - nothing to do with age.) Qualifications are absolutely no indication of personal integrity or character or grown-upness (i. e. maturity). Employers need above all, proper grown-up rounded people - people of character. Your achievements of course convey your character, as well as your capabilities. Non-work achievements relate to all sorts of working attributes for example organising, communicating, project-management, coordinating, managing people, entrepreneurialism, determination, patience, planning, selling and marketing, purchasing and production, creating things, developing and building things, technical competence and expertise, research and knowledge-management. Thinking about achievements in this way is usually necessary for young people starting their careers, when they obviously do not have much of a work track-record. Looking for relevant non-work achievements is also relevant for people seeking to change careers. Hobbies and voluntary work are often a rich source of achievements. See the list of non-work experiences for ideas. Many people, especially those yet to find work which really excites them or enables them to use their own personal capability and potential, are likely to have put significant energy and enthusiasm into a non-work activity or passion. It might be as secretary or treasurer for the local sports club, a school governor, a campaigner for a cause or charity. You might run a website for the local community group, or for a society or club. In fact, most peoples work achievements pale into insignificance alongside the things theyve achieved outside of work. You are likely to be the same. Think about the special impressive things youve done so far in your life - and use them to create some powerful achievements statements for your CV. The reason most people dont do this is that most people are very modest and self-effacing. They dont like to blow their own trumpet. This is normally fine and actually very admirable - until it comes to writing a CV. If you are one of these people who prefers not to think about all the great things youve done, you owe it to yourself to adopt a slightly more outgoing and extrovert mindset for half an hour or so, and think about your own achievements that should be in your CV. Think hard about all the good things youve done - things that you take for granted - there will be many things that represent just the sort of achievements and evidence that the employer is hoping to see in a good CV. Dont wait to be asked - think about it, identify your achievements, shape them into impressive statements with scale and context, and put them into your CV. Everyone has a few very impressive achievements in their past - they just need thinking about and then orienting into descriptions that fit the personal qualities and capabilities that the interviewer and employer are seeking. describing disabilities or other difficult issues in a CV As already suggested, emotional maturity, personal integrity, triumph over adversity, and other indicators of good character, are powerful attributes and much sought-after by good employers. This is especially so if the person concerned is able to express and articulate the effects and implications of their particular challenge, whatever it might be. Self-awareness, personal interpretation and the philosophy to see personal difficulties in terms of positive opportunities and special outcomes, are extremely impressive indicators of an exceptional personality. Ironically many people who have overcome personal difficulties do not make the most of the opportunity to present their strongest attribute - that of having dealt with and overcome their difficulty. If you have a disability it can be tricky deciding how and if to explain it in your CV. Same applies for other disadvantages or apparently negative aspects of personal history, experience, or self. If you are struggling with a difficult negative issue in your CV, be bold and be proud of it. Be proud of what it has enabled you to become. Find ways of explaining and describing this aspect of yourself in terms of life experience, personal strength, tolerance, resilience, wisdom, humanity, humility, and the many other positive characteristics that typically derive from overcoming adversity. As with other aspects of CV writing, if you are more naturally inclined to focus on your weaknesses rather than your strengths (many excellent and wonderful people do) it might help you to seek some feedback and input from a good, positive friend. We are not always the best person to see our own strengths - sometimes its important to invite an outside opinion. However you approach this, rest assured that good employers will always be impressed by special people who have not only overcome and dealt with personal challenge and difficulty - of any sort, even if self-inflicted - but who are also able to articulate what it means to them, and how the experience or difficulty has resulted in personal growth, learning, and the development of special qualities, whatever form they take. Explaining these issues can be done perfectly well in the experience and achievements sections of a CV. Moreover these statements will, if worded well, stand out very strongly, and be more impressive than anything else on the CV. Remember, because its true, and good employers know this: What does not kill us makes us stronger. (Attributed to Friedrich Nietzsche, German philosopher, 1844-1900, based on his words: Out of lifes school of war: What does not destroy me, makes me stronger. from The Twilight of the Idols, 1899.) cvs and job applications for progressive employers As ever, the world is changing. Its changed significantly already for many employers - especially large global corporations. Progressive successful organizations mostly now recognize that the rules of business and management are now very different to a generation ago. Consumers around the world are now part of a vast connected global system, in which the spiritual and ethical characteristics of a corporation are becoming more crucial than anything else. Maintaining and growing corporate integrity is fundamentally vital. We are now in a truly internationally connected market-place . and one where old conventional competitive strengths are increasingly seen (by opinion-formers, employers and customers) as being very narrow and inadequate. This is a new age of much greater consumer awareness - and especially of philosophical considerations . Todays modern managers and every new graduate intake will be challenged on two levels which until recently have not really featured in a typical managers skill-set: how to understand and enable effective response to the systemic characteristics of modern global and very fast-moving market-place - a now vast and increasingly connected and inter-related global system (of nations, cultures, technology, and swarming effects), and how to understand and enable effective response to the new philosophical issues which increasingly influence consumer tastes and buying decisions (things like sustainability, corporate integrity, diversity, spirituality, ethics, etc - far beyond product, price, promotion, and traditional quality management, etc). The best new and aspiring managers - especially new graduates seeking to become a senior manager or executive - must therefore demonstrate a new reach and vision - an awareness and capability (or at least potential capability) distinctly beyond the old standards of product and management quality and efficient effective profitable operations. Jobs in marketing and people-management, and to a degree all other organizational functions, increasingly must respond to this, for which reason, the most effective managers in the future will be people whose capabilities embrace these complex systemic and philosophical considerations, way beyond conventional job skills. This is increasingly the guiding and differentiating perspective of recruiters and graduate programme decision-makers. Successful job applications - notably for the prime jobs with the most progressive successful employers - will increasingly be characterised by such appreciation. authorshipreferencing

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